LEADTOOLS Image File Support (Leadtools.Codecs assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

LoadPage Event


Occurs multiple times for each page loaded from an image file. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
public event EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs> LoadPage
Public Event LoadPage As EventHandler(Of CodecsPageEventArgs)
Dim instance As RasterCodecs
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of CodecsPageEventArgs)
AddHandler instance.LoadPage, handler
public event EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs> LoadPage
add_LoadPage(function(sender, e))
remove_LoadPage(function(sender, e))

event EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs^>^ LoadPage
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type CodecsPageEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following CodecsPageEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Command Gets or sets a value indicating how the load or save process should continue. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
FileName Gets the name of the file being loaded or saved. .NET support Silverlight support
Image Gets the object being loaded from the image file page or the image that is being saved. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
Page Gets the page number of the image being loaded or saved. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
PageCount Gets the number of pages being loaded or saved. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
State Gets the state of the load or save process. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
Stream Gets the stream used by the load process. .NET support WinRT support
This event will fire multiple times for each page loaded with any of the Load(String) and LoadAsync(String,LeadRect,Int32,CodecsLoadByteOrder,Int32,Int32,Object) methods. The user should check the CodecsPageEventArgs.State property. You can use this event to get information about the image pages being loaded or to skip loading certain pages.
Private Sub Codecs_LoadSavePage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CodecsPageEventArgs)
      If e.State = CodecsPageEventState.After Then
         Console.WriteLine("The image has been processed")
         Console.WriteLine("The image has not processed yet")
      End If
      If e.Page > 5 Then
         e.Command = CodecsPageEventCommand.Stop
      End If

      Console.WriteLine("File name is: {0}", e.FileName)
      If Not e.Image Is Nothing Then
         Console.WriteLine("The Image width and height is: {0},{1}", e.Image.Width, e.Image.Height)
      End If
      Console.WriteLine("Page Index is: {0}", e.Page)
      Console.WriteLine("Page Count is: {0}", e.PageCount)
   End Sub

   Public Sub LoadPageExample()
      Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

      AddHandler codecs.LoadPage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage
      AddHandler codecs.SavePage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage

      Dim image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp"))
      codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "loadsave.jpg"), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel)

      RemoveHandler codecs.LoadPage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage
      RemoveHandler codecs.SavePage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage

      ' Clean up
   End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
private void Codecs_LoadSavePage(object sender, CodecsPageEventArgs e)
         if (e.State == CodecsPageEventState.After)
             Console.WriteLine("The image has been processed");
             Console.WriteLine("The image has not processed yet");
         if (e.Page > 5)
             e.Command = CodecsPageEventCommand.Stop;

         Console.WriteLine("File name is: {0}", e.FileName);
         if (e.Image != null)
             Console.WriteLine("The Image width and height is: {0},{1}", e.Image.Width, e.Image.Height);
         Console.WriteLine("Page Index is: {0}", e.Page);
         Console.WriteLine("Page Count is: {0}", e.PageCount);

     public void LoadPageExample()
         RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

         codecs.LoadPage += new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);
         codecs.SavePage += new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);

         RasterImage image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp"));
         codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "loadsave.jpg"), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel);

         codecs.LoadPage -= new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);
         codecs.SavePage -= new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);

         // Clean up

static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
function Codecs_LoadSavePage(e)
   if (e.state == Leadtools.Codecs.CodecsPageEventState.after)
      console.info("The image has been processed");
      console.info("The image has not processed yet");

   if (e.page > 5)
      e.command = Leadtools.Codecs.CodecsPageEventCommand.stop;

   if (e.image != null)
      console.info("The Image width and height is: ", e.image.width, " , ", e.image.height);
   console.info("Page Index is: ", e.page);
   console.info("Page Count is: ", e.pageCount);

RasterCodecsExamples.prototype.LoadPageExample = function () {
   with (Leadtools) {
      with (Leadtools.Codecs) {
         var codecs = new RasterCodecs();
         var image;
         codecs.eventsDispatchMode = Leadtools.LeadEventsDispatchMode.useCoreDispatcher;

         codecs.addEventListener("loadpage", Codecs_LoadSavePage);
         codecs.addEventListener("savepage", Codecs_LoadSavePage);

         var srcFileName = "Assets\\Image1.cmp";
         var destFileName = "loadsave.jpg";
         var image;
         return Tools.AppInstallFolder().getFileAsync(srcFileName).then(function (loadFile) {
            return codecs.loadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.create(loadFile))
            .then(function (img) {
               image = img;

               return Tools.AppLocalFolder().createFileAsync(destFileName)
            .then(function (saveFile) {
               return codecs.saveAsync(image, LeadStreamFactory.create(saveFile), RasterImageFormat.jpeg, image.bitsPerPixel)
            .then(function () {
               codecs.removeEventListener("loadPage", Codecs_LoadSavePage);
               codecs.removeEventListener("savePage", Codecs_LoadSavePage);

               // Clean up
private void Codecs_LoadSavePage(object sender, CodecsPageEventArgs e)
   if (e.State == CodecsPageEventState.After)
      Debug.WriteLine("The image has been processed");
      Debug.WriteLine("The image has not processed yet");
   if (e.Page > 5)
      e.Command = CodecsPageEventCommand.Stop;

   if (e.Image != null)
      Debug.WriteLine("The Image width and height is: {0},{1}", e.Image.Width, e.Image.Height);
   Debug.WriteLine("Page Index is: {0}", e.Page);
   Debug.WriteLine("Page Count is: {0}", e.PageCount);

public async Task LoadPageExample()
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

   codecs.LoadPage += new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);
   codecs.SavePage += new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);

   string srcFileName = @"Assets\Image1.cmp";
   string destFileName = @"loadsave.jpg";

   StorageFile loadFile = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(srcFileName);
   RasterImage image = await codecs.LoadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(loadFile));

   StorageFile saveFile = await Tools.AppLocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(destFileName);
   await codecs.SaveAsync(image, LeadStreamFactory.Create(saveFile), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel);

   codecs.LoadPage -= new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);
   codecs.SavePage -= new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);

   // Clean up
private void Codecs_LoadSavePage(object sender, CodecsPageEventArgs e)
   if(e.State == CodecsPageEventState.After)
      Debug.WriteLine("The image has been processed");
      Debug.WriteLine("The image has not processed yet");
   if(e.Page > 5)
      e.Command = CodecsPageEventCommand.Stop;

   Debug.WriteLine("File name is: {0}", e.FileName);
   if(e.Image != null)
      Debug.WriteLine("The Image width and height is: {0},{1}", e.Image.Width, e.Image.Height);
   Debug.WriteLine("Page Index is: {0}", e.Page);
   Debug.WriteLine("Page Count is: {0}", e.PageCount);

public void LoadPageExample(Stream inStream, Stream outStream)
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

   codecs.LoadPage += new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);
   codecs.SavePage += new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);

   RasterImage image = codecs.Load(inStream);

   codecs.Save(image, outStream, RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel);

   codecs.LoadPage -= new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);
   codecs.SavePage -= new EventHandler<CodecsPageEventArgs>(Codecs_LoadSavePage);

   // Clean up
Private Sub Codecs_LoadSavePage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CodecsPageEventArgs)
   If e.State = CodecsPageEventState.After Then
      Debug.WriteLine("The image has been processed")
      Debug.WriteLine("The image has not processed yet")
   End If
   If e.Page > 5 Then
      e.Command = CodecsPageEventCommand.Stop
   End If

   Debug.WriteLine("File name is: {0}", e.FileName)
   If Not e.Image Is Nothing Then
      Debug.WriteLine("The Image width and height is: {0},{1}", e.Image.Width, e.Image.Height)
   End If
   Debug.WriteLine("Page Index is: {0}", e.Page)
   Debug.WriteLine("Page Count is: {0}", e.PageCount)
End Sub

Public Sub LoadPageExample(ByVal inStream As Stream, ByVal outStream As Stream)
   Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

   AddHandler codecs.LoadPage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage
   AddHandler codecs.SavePage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage

   Dim image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(inStream)

   codecs.Save(image, outStream, RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, image.BitsPerPixel)

   RemoveHandler codecs.LoadPage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage
   RemoveHandler codecs.SavePage, AddressOf Codecs_LoadSavePage

   ' Clean up
End Sub

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


RasterCodecs Class
RasterCodecs Members



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