LEADTOOLS WCF (Leadtools.Services.DataContracts assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

DbBinaryData Class

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by DbBinaryData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDbBinaryData ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyCommandTextGets or sets the command text to execute.  
Public PropertyCommandTypeGets or sets the command type which specifies how to parse the CommandText property.  
Public PropertyConnectionStringGets or sets the connection used to open the data source.  
Public PropertyDataFieldNameGets or sets a value that specifies the file name.  
Public PropertyDataFieldPathBaseGets or sets a value that specifies the directory to which to load or save the file.  
Public PropertyDataFieldTypeGets or sets the field type.  
Public PropertyParametersGets or sets the collection of System.Data.Common.DbParameter objects.  
Public PropertyProviderGets or sets the type of System.Data.Common.DbConnection to be used.  
Public Methods
Public MethodFieldFileNameGets the full path for the file stored in the field.  
Public MethodLoadDataOverridden. Gets a buffer from a database field.  
Public MethodSaveDataOverridden. Saves a buffer to database field.  
See Also


DbBinaryData Class
Leadtools.Services.DataContracts Namespace



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