LEADTOOLS OCR (Leadtools.Forms.Ocr assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

IOcrSettingDescriptor Interface Members

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IOcrSettingDescriptor.

Public Properties
 PropertyDoubleMaximumValueGets the maximum allowed value for the double setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyDoubleMinimumValueGets the minimum allowed value for the double setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyEnumIsFlagsGets a value indicating whether the enum members can be OR'ed together. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyFriendlyNameGets the friendly name of the setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyIntegerMaximumValueGets the maximum allowed value for the integer setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyIntegerMinimumValueGets the minimum allowed value for the integer setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyNameGets the unique name of setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyStringMaximumLengthGets the maximum number of characters allowed in the value of the string setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyStringNullAllowedGets a value that indicates whether a null (Nothing in Visual Basic) is a valid value for a string setting. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyUnitsGets the name of the unit of the value. .NET support WinRT support  
 PropertyValueTypeGets the setting value type. .NET support WinRT support  
Public Methods
 MethodGetEnumMemberFriendlyNamesGets an array of strings containing the enumeration members friendly names. .NET support WinRT support  
 MethodGetEnumMemberValuesGets an array containing the enumeration members values. .NET support WinRT support  
See Also


IOcrSettingDescriptor Interface
Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Namespace
IOcrSettingManager Interface
Programming with the LEADTOOLS .NET OCR
Files to be Included with Your Application
OCR engine-specific Settings



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IOcrSettingDescriptor requires an OCR module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features