LEADTOOLS Image Processing (Leadtools.ImageOptimization assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

ImageOptimizerDirectoryData Class


The following tables list the members exposed by ImageOptimizerDirectoryData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorImageOptimizerDirectoryData ConstructorInitializes a new ImageOptimizerDirectoryData class object.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyFilePercentGets the percent completion for the image currently being optimized, when the Status property is ImageOptimizerDirectoryStatus.OptimizingImage.  
Public PropertyImageInfoGets a Leadtools.Codecs.CodecsImageInfo class that contains information about the image file being optimized.  
Public PropertyInputFileNameGets the original, complete file name.  
Public PropertyOptionsGets or sets the options used when optimizing the image specified in InputFileName.  
Public PropertyOutputFileNameGets the optimized, complete file name.  
Public PropertySkipImageGets or sets a value that indicates whether to skip processing the current image being optimized.  
Public PropertyStatusGets the current status of the directory optimization process.  
Public PropertyTotalFolderFilesCountGets the total number of files in the directory to be optimized.  
Public PropertyTotalPercentGets the percent completion for the entire optimization task, when the Status property is ImageOptimizerDirectoryStatus.OptimizingImage.  
See Also


ImageOptimizerDirectoryData Class
Leadtools.ImageOptimization Namespace