LEADTOOLS WCF Image Processing (Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.ServiceContracts assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

IImageProcessingService Interface


The following tables list the members exposed by IImageProcessingService.

Public Methods
 MethodAutoCropTrims the current image, removing blank space around the edges.  
 MethodCropCrops the image, resulting in an image that is the size of the specified rectangle.  
 MethodFlipFlips an image from top to bottom or from left to right.  
 MethodResizeResizes an image to a new width and height.  
 MethodResizeInterpolateApplies different kinds of algorithms on images to resize them into the desired size.  
 MethodRotateRotates an image by the number of degrees specified.  
 MethodStatisticsInformationReturns statistical information about the image.  
See Also


IImageProcessingService Interface
Leadtools.Services.ImageProcessing.ServiceContracts Namespace



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Applications developed with LEADTOOLS WCF components require runtime licenses. Server licensing is required for applications on a server. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical