LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Automation)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnAutomation Object

Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAutomation.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAnnAutomation ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the AnnAutomation class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyActiveGets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is active.  
Public PropertyAutomationControlGets the automation control for this AnnAutomation.  
Public PropertyCanDeleteObjectsGets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be deleted.  
Public PropertyCanLockGets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) can be locked.  
Public PropertyCanRealizeAllRedactionsGets a value that indicates whether any of the AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation can be realized.  
Public PropertyCanRealizeRedactionGets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is an AnnRedactionObject and can be realized.  
Public PropertyCanRedoGets a value indicating whether the user can redo the previous operation performed in this AnnAutomation.  
Public PropertyCanRestoreAllRedactionsGets a value that indicates whether any AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation can be restored.  
Public PropertyCanRestoreRedactionGets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is a AnnRedactionObject and can be restored.  
Public PropertyCanSelectObjectsGets a value that indicate whether the this AnnAutomation is in a state where any object can be selected.  
Public PropertyCanShowPropertiesGets a value that indicate whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the user properties dialog can be displayed.  
Public PropertyCanUndoGets a value that indicates whether the user can undo the previous operation performed in this AnnAutomation.  
Public PropertyCanUnlockGets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) can be unlocked.  
Public PropertyContainerGets the AnnContainer of this AnnAutomation.  
Public PropertyCurrentDesignerGets the current working designer.  
Public PropertyCurrentEditObjectGets the current AnnObject being edited.  
Public PropertyManagerReturns the AnnAutomationManager that this AnnAutomation object belongs to.  
Public PropertyUndoCapacityGets or sets a value that specifies the capacity of the undo/redo buffer.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAttachAttaches this AnnAutomation object to a IAnnAutomationControl object.  
Public MethodBeginUndoCreates a new undo node in this AnnAutomation object.  
Public MethodCancelCancels the operation currently being performed in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodCancelUndoCancels the undo node started in this AnnAutomation object.  
Public MethodDeleteSelectedObjectsDeletes the selected objects from this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodDetachDetaches this AnnAutomation object from its IAnnAutomationControl object.  
Public MethodEndUndoCommits the undo node started in this AnnAutomation object.  
Public MethodInvalidateInvalidates the specified region of the automation control.  
Public MethodLockLocks the object(s) currently being edited (selected).  
Public MethodRealizeAllRedactionsRealizes all the AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodRealizeRedactionRealizes the AnnRedactionObject object currently being edited (selected).  
Public MethodRedoReapplies the last operation that was undone in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodRestoreAllRedactionsRestores all of the AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodRestoreRedactionRestores the AnnRedactionObject object currently being edited (selected).  
Public MethodSelectObjectSelect an object in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodSelectObjectsSelects an object or a group of objects in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodUndoReverses the last operation performed in this AnnAutomation.  
Public MethodUnlockUnlocks the object(s) currently being edited (selected).  
Protected Methods
Public Events
Public EventBeforeObjectChangedOccurs when an AnnObject is about to be changed.  
Public EventCurrentDesignerChangedOccurs when the current designer has been changed.  
Public EventDrawOccurs when an AnnObject is being drawn.  
Public EventEditOccurs when an AnnObject is being edited.  
Public EventEditTextOccurs when the text of an AnnObject is edited.  
Public EventLockObjectOccurs when an AnnObject is locked.  
Public EventRunOccurs when an AnnObject is being run.  
Public EventSelectedObjectsChangedOccurs when the selected object changes.  
Public EventUndoRedoChangedOccurs when the undo or redo buffer changes.  
Public EventUnlockObjectOccurs when an AnnObject is unlocked.  
See Also


AnnAutomation Object
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace



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