LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Automation)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnObjectChangedType Enumeration

Indicates the type of change to the AnnObject.
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnObjectChangedType = function() { };
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnObjectChangedType.prototype = {
none = 0x00000000, bringToFront = 0x00000001, sendToBack = 0x00000002, deleted = 0x00000003, lock = 0x00000004, unlock = 0x00000005, paste = 6, flip = 0x00000007, realizeRedaction = 0x00000008, restoreRedaction = 0x00000009, applyEncryptor = 10, applyDecryptor = 11, name = 0x0000000C, hyperlink = 0x0000000D, text = 0x0000000E, picture = 0x0000000F, pictures = 0x00000010, ruler = 0x00000011, stroke = 0x00000012, fill = 0x00000013, font = 0x00000014, encrypt = 21, polygon = 0x00000016, curve = 0x00000017, protractor = 0x00000018, rubberStamp = 0x00000019, point = 0x0000001A, audio = 27, thumbs = 0x0000001C, hilite = 0x0000001D, designerDraw = 0x0000001E, designerEdit = 0x0000001F, resetRotatePoints = 0x00000020, fixed = 0x00000021, };
0x00000000noneNo change.
0x00000001bringToFrontAs a result of either calling the BringToFront method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000002sendToBackAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.SendToBack method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000003deletedAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.DeleteSelectedObjects method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000004lockAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.Lock method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000005unlockAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.Unlock method manually or from the user interface.
6pasteNot used.
0x00000007flipAs a result of either calling the AnnAutomation.Flip method manually or from the user interface.
0x00000008realizeRedactionAs a result realizing a redaction object.
0x00000009restoreRedactionAs a result of restoring a redaction object.
10applyEncryptorNot used.
11applyDecryptorNot used.
0x0000000CnameAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLeadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Labels property.
0x0000000DhyperlinkAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLeadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Hyperlink property.
0x0000000EtextAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextObject derived object.
0x0000000FpictureAs a result of changing the Picture property of an annotation object.
0x00000010picturesNot used
0x00000011rulerAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPolyRulerObject derived object.
0x00000012strokeAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLeadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Stroke property.
0x00000013fillAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLeadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Fill property.
0x00000014fontAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLeadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Font property.
21encryptNot used.
0x00000016polygonAs a result of changing a polygon object.
0x00000017curveAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCurveObject.
0x00000018protractorAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnProtractorObject.
0x00000019rubberStampAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRubberStampObject.
0x0000001ApointAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPointObject.
27audioNot used.
0x0000001CthumbsAs a result of changing an AnnObjectsLeadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Points.
0x0000001DhiliteAs a result of changing an Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnHiliteObject.
0x0000001EdesignerDrawAs a result of the user interface drawing a new object via the AnnDrawDesigner user interface.
0x0000001FdesignerEditAs a result of the user interface editing an existing object via the AnnEditDesigner user interface.
0x00000020resetRotatePointsAs a result of resetting the rotate control points of an existing object via the AnnEditDesigner user interface. For more information, refer to Annotation Rotation Options.
0x00000021fixedAs a result of changing fixed state property of an object (Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.FixedStateOperations).
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace



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