LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

RotateAtPoints Method

The Leadtools.LeadPointD array to be rotated.
The angle to rotate the Leadtools.LeadPointD values.
The value representing the center point of rotation on the x-axis.
The value representing the center point of rotation on the y-axis.
Rotates the input Leadtools.LeadPointD values using the specified angle and center point.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTransformer.rotateAtPoints( 
   points ,
   angle ,
   centerX ,
!MISSING Scrap '_RTJavaScript_Method_SYNTAX'!


pointsLeadPointDThe Leadtools.LeadPointD array to be rotated.
angledoubleThe angle to rotate the Leadtools.LeadPointD values.
centerXdoubleThe value representing the center point of rotation on the x-axis.
centerYdoubleThe value representing the center point of rotation on the y-axis.

Return Value

LeadPointD The rotated Leadtools.LeadPointD array.
See Also


AnnTransformer Object
AnnTransformer Members



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