LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Designers)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

StartWorking Method (AnnEditDesigner)

The current operation.
The Index of the object being moved (or -1 if no thumb is being moved).
true to clip the mouse cursor to the control, otherwise; false.
Begins editing. It has an option to clip the mouse cursor.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Designers.AnnEditDesigner.startWorking( 
   operation ,
   thumbIndex ,


operationAnnEditDesignerOperationThe current operation.
thumbIndexintThe Index of the object being moved (or -1 if no thumb is being moved).
clipCursorbooltrue to clip the mouse cursor to the control, otherwise; false.

Return Value

boolean true if this AnnEditDesigner has begun editing; otherwise, it is false.

Derived classes should call this method after beginning the editing of an object.


For more information and an example, refer to Implement User Defined Objects with LEADTOOLS Annotations

See Also


AnnEditDesigner Object
AnnEditDesigner Members



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