LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Designers)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnRunDesigner Constructor (AnnRunDesigner)

The automation control associated with this designer.
The container to use.
The target object.
Initializes a new instance of AnnRunDesigner with the specified parameters.
function AnnRunDesigner( 
   automationControl ,
   container ,


automationControlIAnnAutomationControlThe automation control associated with this designer.
containerAnnContainerThe container to use.
annObjectAnnObjectThe target object.

This method sets the container to the Container property and the annObject to the TargetObject property.

automationControl is optional and can be null. If the various derived designers determine that the surface of the container needs repainting they call the Invalidate method to perform that. In turn, the Invalidate method whether there is a valid object in the AutomationControl, and call its Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationInvalidate(Leadtools.LeadRectD) method.

See Also


AnnRunDesigner Object
AnnRunDesigner Members



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