LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Contains classes for rendering annotation objects.
ClassAnnCrossProductObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the cross product annotation objects.
ClassAnnCurveObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the curve annotation objects.
ClassAnnEllipseObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the ellipse annotation objects.
ClassAnnEllipseThumbStyle Ellipse thumb style.
ClassAnnFreehandHotspotObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the free hand hotspot annotation objects.
ClassAnnHiliteObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the hilite annotation objects.
ClassAnnHotspotObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the hotspot annotation objects.
ClassAnnHtml5RenderingEngine Represents the annotation rendering engine implementation for the HTML 5 platform.
ClassAnnLabelRenderer Represents a renderer for text labels in this platform.
ClassAnnNoteObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the note annotation object.
ClassAnnObjectRenderer Base class for all object renderers.
ClassAnnPointerObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the pointer annotation object.
ClassAnnPointObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the point annotation object.
ClassAnnPolylineObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the polyline line annotation objects.
ClassAnnPolyRulerObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the poly ruler annotation objects.
ClassAnnProtractorObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the protractor annotation objects.
ClassAnnRectangleObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the rectangle annotation objects.
ClassAnnRectangleThumbStyle Rectangle thumb style.
ClassAnnRubberStampObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the rubber stamp annotation object.
ClassAnnStampObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the stamp annotation object.
ClassAnnTextObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the text annotation object.
ClassAnnTextPointerObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the text pointer annotation object.
ClassAnnTextRollupObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the text rollup annotation object.
ClassAnnThumbStyle Base class for all thumb styles.
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Library



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