LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

ImageViewerNewImageResetOptions Enumeration

Specifies options to control which display properties get reset when a new image is set into the control.
Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerNewImageResetOptions = function() { };
Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerNewImageResetOptions.prototype = {
none = 0, scrollOffset = 0x0001, scaleFactor = 0x0002, sizeMode = 0x0004, reverse = 0x0008, flip = 0x0010, rotateAngle = 0x0020, invert = 0x0040, aspectRatioCorrection = 0x0080, all = 0x00ff, };
!MISSING Scrap '_RTJavaScript_Enumeration_SYNTAX'!
0noneNone of the properties will reset back to their default values.
0x0001scrollOffsetThe horizontal and vertical scroll offsets (ImageViewer.ScrollOffset) location will reset back to the top-left position (0,0)
0x0002scaleFactorThe ImageViewer.ScaleFactor value will reset back to 1.0
0x0004sizeModeThe ImageViewer.SizeMode value will reset back to ImageViewerSizeMode.None
0x0008reverseThe ImageViewer.Reverse value will reset back to false
0x0010flipThe ImageViewer.Flip value will reset back to false
0x0020rotateAngleThe ImageViewer.RotateAngle value will reset back to 0
0x0040invertThe ImageViewer.Invert value will reset back to false
0x0080aspectRatioCorrectionThe ImageViewer.AspectRatioCorrection value will reset back to true
0x00ffallAll the properties will reset back to their default values

You can use the ImageViewer.NewImageResetOptions property to control which of the display properties of the control resets back to its default value when the ImageViewer.ImageUrl property is set to a new image or when the user sets a new value into ImageViewer.ImageSize manually.

You can use a logical OR operation to combine any of the above options together. By setting these options, you can achieve effects such as if the control has a scale factor value of 1.5 (150 percent) and a new image is set, the scale factor does not reset and stays at 150 percent instead of going back to 100 percent.


For an example, refer to ImageViewer.NewImageResetOptions.

See Also


Leadtools.Controls Namespace



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