LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

ImageViewerScrollMode Enumeration

Determines how the control displays and uses scrollbars.
Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerScrollMode = function() { };
Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerScrollMode.prototype = {
auto = 0, hidden = 1, disabled = 2, };
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0autoAuto scrollbars, if the control requires scroll bars they will be visible and active. Only available if the platform supports scrollbars, otherwise, using this value is the same as using ImageViewerScrollMode.Hidden
1hiddenDo not show scrollbars, even if the control requires them
2disabledDisable scrolling, the scrollbars will not be visible nor activated even if the control requires them

For more information on scrollbars behavior in ImageViewer, refer to ImageViewer.ScrollMode.

For an example, see ImageViewer.ScrollMode.
See Also


Leadtools.Controls Namespace



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