LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

PostRenderImage Event

Occurs after the control has rendered the image.
add_postRenderImage(function(sender, e))
remove_postRenderImage(function(sender, e))

!MISSING Scrap '_RTJavaScript_Event_SYNTAX'!

Users can attach to this event to be notified after the control renders the image. This is the preferred way to perform custom drawing on top the image such as annotations. The canvas context to draw to is in ImageViewerRenderEventArgs.Context.

If the custom rendering involves the same transformation as the viewer, then use the Transform property to get the current transformation matrix and apply its values to the context.

Event Data
Parameter Type Description
sender 'var' The source of the event.
e ImageViewerRenderEventArgs The event data.
See Also


ImageViewer Object
ImageViewer Members



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