LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

EnableMouseWheel Property

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether mouse wheel is enabled.

Property Value

booleantrue if mouse wheel is enabled; otherwise, it is false. Default value is true.

When mouse wheel is enabled, the service will fire consecutive DragStarted, DragDelta and DragCompleted events every time the mouse wheel is moved up or down. InteractiveDragDeltaEventArgs.Change will contain the mouse wheel delta value in the Leadtools.LeadPointD.Y value (with Leadtools.LeadPointD.X set to 0.

Inside a DragStarted event handler, you can check if the event originated from a mouse wheel by using the following code snippet:

            if (e.get_nativeElementEvent().type === Leadtools.LTHelper.mouseWheelEvent) {
               // This is mouse wheel event

See Also


InteractiveService Object
InteractiveService Members



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