LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 (Leadtools.Jpip.Client assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

JpipClient Class

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by JpipClient.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorJpipClient ConstructorInitializes a new instance of JpipClient class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyRequestTimeoutGets or sets a value that specifies the amount of time after which an asynchronous call will time out.  
Public PropertyServerIPAddressGets the IP Address of the JPIP server.  
Public PropertyServerPortGets the JPIP server port.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBeginGetJpipResponseOverloaded. Makes an asynchronous request to a JPIP server.  
Public MethodCloseCloses any connection to the JPIP server and frees resources.  
Public MethodCloseChannelCloses a JPIP channel at the server.  
Public MethodEndGetJpipResponseEnds a pending asynchronous request.  
Public MethodStopGetJpipResponseAborts a request to the server.  
See Also


JpipClient Class
Leadtools.Jpip.Client Namespace



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Leadtools.Jpip.Client requires a JPIP Module and a server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features