LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Clone() Method


Creates an exact copy of the current page of this RasterImage. .NET support Silverlight support WinRT support
public RasterImage Clone()
Public Overloads Function Clone() As RasterImage
Dim instance As RasterImage
Dim value As RasterImage
value = instance.Clone()
public RasterImage Clone()
 function Leadtools.RasterImage.Clone()()
RasterImage^ Clone(); 

Return Value

The RasterImage this method creates.

You can also use the RasterImage Constructor(RasterImage) constructor to create an exact copy of an existing RasterImage.

To create a copy of an object while maintaining a progress status, refer to the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CloneCommand.

This method copies only the current active page and no metadata information is copied. To create an exact copy of a RasterImage object use the CloneAll method.

To clone an image with support for a progress event, refer to Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CloneCommand.

Public Sub CloneExample()
      Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

      Dim srcFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "eye.gif")

      ' Load the multi-page image
      Dim srcImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load(srcFileName)
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in source image: {0}", srcImage.PageCount)

      ' Use the Clone method to clone this image
      ' Notice, this method only clones the current active page only
      Dim destImage1 As RasterImage = srcImage.Clone()
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone: {0}", destImage1.PageCount)
      Debug.Assert(destImage1.PageCount = 1)

      ' Use the Clone rectangle method to clone this image
      ' Notice, this method also clones the current active page only
      Dim rc As LeadRect = New LeadRect(0, 0, srcImage.Width \ 2, srcImage.Height \ 2)
      Console.WriteLine("Cloning with a rectangle = {0}", rc.ToString())
      Dim destImage2 As RasterImage = srcImage.Clone(rc)
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone(LeadRect): {0}", destImage2.PageCount)
      Console.WriteLine("Image created with Clone(LeadRect) size = {0} by {1}", destImage2.Width, destImage2.Height)
      Debug.Assert(destImage2.PageCount = 1)
      Debug.Assert(destImage2.Width = srcImage.Width \ 2)
      Debug.Assert(destImage2.Height = srcImage.Height \ 2)

      ' Use the CloneAll method, this should create a copy
      ' of all the pages
      Dim destImage3 As RasterImage = srcImage.CloneAll()
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneAll: {0}", destImage3.PageCount)
      Debug.Assert(destImage3.PageCount = srcImage.PageCount)

      ' Use the CloneCommand, this allows you to have a progress
      ' bar as well as control the memory flags, here
      ' we will create a destination image using disk memory.
      Dim cloneCmd As CloneCommand = New CloneCommand()
      AddHandler cloneCmd.Progress, AddressOf cloneCmd_Progress
      cloneCmd.CreateFlags = RasterMemoryFlags.Disk
      RemoveHandler cloneCmd.Progress, AddressOf cloneCmd_Progress

      Dim destImage4 As RasterImage = cloneCmd.DestinationImage
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.PageCount)
      Console.WriteLine("Disk memory model of image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.IsDiskMemory)
      Debug.Assert(destImage4.PageCount = 1)

      ' Clean up
   End Sub

   Private Sub cloneCmd_Progress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RasterCommandProgressEventArgs)
      If e.Percent = 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine("Clone progress started")
      End If
      If e.Percent = 100 Then
         Console.WriteLine("Clone progress ended")
      End If
   End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
public void CloneExample()
      RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

      string srcFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "eye.gif");

      // Load the multi-page image
      RasterImage srcImage = codecs.Load(srcFileName);
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in source image: {0}", srcImage.PageCount);

      // Use the Clone method to clone this image
      // Notice, this method only clones the current active page only
      RasterImage destImage1 = srcImage.Clone();
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone: {0}", destImage1.PageCount);
      Debug.Assert(destImage1.PageCount == 1);

      // Use the Clone rectangle method to clone this image
      // Notice, this method also clones the current active page only
      LeadRect rc = new LeadRect(0, 0, srcImage.Width / 2, srcImage.Height / 2);
      Console.WriteLine("Cloning with a rectangle = {0}", rc.ToString());
      RasterImage destImage2 = srcImage.Clone(rc);
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone(LeadRect): {0}", destImage2.PageCount);
      Console.WriteLine("Image created with Clone(LeadRect) size = {0} by {1}", destImage2.Width, destImage2.Height);
      Debug.Assert(destImage2.PageCount == 1);
      Debug.Assert(destImage2.Width == srcImage.Width / 2);
      Debug.Assert(destImage2.Height == srcImage.Height / 2);

      // Use the CloneAll method, this should create a copy
      // of all the pages
      RasterImage destImage3 = srcImage.CloneAll();
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneAll: {0}", destImage3.PageCount);
      Debug.Assert(destImage3.PageCount == srcImage.PageCount);

      // Use the CloneCommand, this allows you to have a progress
      // bar as well as control the memory flags, here
      // we will create a destination image using disk memory.
      CloneCommand cloneCmd = new CloneCommand();
      cloneCmd.Progress += new EventHandler<RasterCommandProgressEventArgs>(cloneCmd_Progress);
      cloneCmd.CreateFlags = RasterMemoryFlags.Disk;
      cloneCmd.Progress -= new EventHandler<RasterCommandProgressEventArgs>(cloneCmd_Progress);

      RasterImage destImage4 = cloneCmd.DestinationImage;
      Console.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.PageCount);
      Console.WriteLine("Disk memory model of image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.IsDiskMemory);
      Debug.Assert(destImage4.PageCount == 1);

      // Clean up

   void cloneCmd_Progress(object sender, RasterCommandProgressEventArgs e)
      if(e.Percent == 0)
         Console.WriteLine("Clone progress started");
      if(e.Percent == 100)
         Console.WriteLine("Clone progress ended");

static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
RasterImageExamples.prototype.CloneExample = function ( )
   with ( Leadtools ) 
      with (Leadtools.Codecs ) 
         var codecs = new RasterCodecs();

         var srcFileName = "Assets\\eye.gif";

         // Load the multi-page image
         return Tools.AppInstallFolder().getFileAsync(srcFileName).then ( function ( loadFile ) {
            return codecs.loadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.create(loadFile)); } )
            .then ( function ( srcImage ) { 
               console.info("Pages in source image: ", srcImage.pageCount);

               // Use the Clone method to clone this image
               // Notice, this method only clones the current active page only
               var destImage1 = srcImage.clone();
               console.info("Pages in image created with Clone: ", destImage1.pageCount);
               console.assert(destImage1.pageCount === 1, "destImage1.PageCount == 1");

               // Use the Clone rectangle method to clone this image
               // Notice, this method also clones the current active page only
               var rc = LeadRectHelper.create(0, 0, srcImage.width / 2, srcImage.height / 2);
               console.info("Cloning with a rectangle = ", rc.toString());
               var destImage2 = srcImage.clone(rc);
               console.log("Pages in image created with Clone(LeadRect): ", destImage2.pageCount);
               console.log("Image created with Clone(LeadRect) size = " + destImage2.width + " by ", destImage2.height);
               console.assert(destImage2.pageCount == 1, "destImage2.PageCount == 1");
               console.assert(destImage2.width === srcImage.width / 2, "destImage2.Width == srcImage.Width / 2");
               console.assert(destImage2.height === srcImage.height / 2, "destImage2.height === srcImage.height / 2");

               // Use the CloneAll method, this should create a copy
               // of all the pages
               var destImage3 = srcImage.cloneAll();
               console.info("Pages in image created with CloneAll: ", destImage3.pageCount);
               console.assert(destImage3.pageCount == srcImage.pageCount, "destImage3.PageCount == srcImage.PageCount");

               // Use the CloneCommand, this allows you to have a progress
               // bar as well as control the memory flags, here
               // we will create a destination image using disk memory.
               var cloneCmd = new Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CloneCommand();
               cloneCmd.addEventListener ( "progress", cloneCmd_Progress);
               cloneCmd.createFlags = RasterMemoryFlags.disk;
               cloneCmd.removeEventListener ( "progress", cloneCmd_Progress);

               var destImage4 = cloneCmd.destinationImage;
               console.info("Pages in image created with CloneCommand: ", destImage4.pageCount);
               console.info("Disk memory model of image created with CloneCommand: ", destImage4.isDiskMemory);
               console.assert(destImage4.pageCount == 1);

               // Clean up
            } ) ;

function cloneCmd_Progress(e)
   if (e.percent === 0)
      console.info("Clone progress started");
   if (e.percent == 100)
      console.info("Clone progress ended");
public async Task CloneExample()
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
   string srcFileName = @"Assets\eye.gif";

   // Load the multi-page image
   StorageFile loadFile = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(srcFileName);
   RasterImage srcImage = await codecs.LoadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(loadFile));
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in source image: {0}", srcImage.PageCount);

   // Use the Clone method to clone this image
   // Notice, this method only clones the current active page only
   RasterImage destImage1 = srcImage.Clone();
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone: {0}", destImage1.PageCount);
   Assert.IsTrue(destImage1.PageCount == 1);

   // Use the Clone rectangle method to clone this image
   // Notice, this method also clones the current active page only
   LeadRect rc = LeadRectHelper.Create(0, 0, srcImage.Width / 2, srcImage.Height / 2);
   Debug.WriteLine("Cloning with a rectangle = {0}", rc.ToString());
   RasterImage destImage2 = srcImage.Clone(rc);
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone(LeadRect): {0}", destImage2.PageCount);
   Debug.WriteLine("Image created with Clone(LeadRect) size = {0} by {1}", destImage2.Width, destImage2.Height);
   Assert.IsTrue(destImage2.PageCount == 1);
   Assert.IsTrue(destImage2.Width == srcImage.Width / 2);
   Assert.IsTrue(destImage2.Height == srcImage.Height / 2);

   // Use the CloneAll method, this should create a copy
   // of all the pages
   RasterImage destImage3 = srcImage.CloneAll();
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneAll: {0}", destImage3.PageCount);
   Assert.IsTrue(destImage3.PageCount == srcImage.PageCount);

   // Use the CloneCommand, this allows you to have a progress
   // bar as well as control the memory flags, here
   // we will create a destination image using disk memory.
   CloneCommand cloneCmd = new CloneCommand();
   cloneCmd.Progress += new EventHandler<RasterCommandProgressEventArgs>(cloneCmd_Progress);
   cloneCmd.CreateFlags = RasterMemoryFlags.Disk;
   cloneCmd.Progress -= new EventHandler<RasterCommandProgressEventArgs>(cloneCmd_Progress);

   RasterImage destImage4 = cloneCmd.DestinationImage;
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.PageCount);
   Debug.WriteLine("Disk memory model of image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.IsDiskMemory);
   Assert.IsTrue(destImage4.PageCount == 1);

   // Clean up

void cloneCmd_Progress(object sender, RasterCommandProgressEventArgs e)
   if (e.Percent == 0)
      Debug.WriteLine("Clone progress started");
   if (e.Percent == 100)
      Debug.WriteLine("Clone progress ended");
public void CloneExample(RasterImage image)
   RasterImage srcImage = image; // should be a multi-page image (eye.gif)
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in source image: {0}", srcImage.PageCount);

   // Use the Clone method to clone this image
   // Notice, this method only clones the current active page only
   RasterImage destImage1 = srcImage.Clone();
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone: {0}", destImage1.PageCount);
   Debug.Assert(destImage1.PageCount == 1);

   // Use the Clone rectangle method to clone this image
   // Notice, this method also clones the current active page only
   LeadRect rc = new LeadRect(0, 0, srcImage.Width / 2, srcImage.Height / 2);
   Debug.WriteLine("Cloning with a rectangle = {0}", rc.ToString());
   RasterImage destImage2 = srcImage.Clone(rc);
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone(Rectangle): {0}", destImage2.PageCount);
   Debug.WriteLine("Image created with Clone(Rectangle) size = {0} by {1}", destImage2.Width, destImage2.Height);
   Debug.Assert(destImage2.PageCount == 1);
   Debug.Assert(destImage2.Width == srcImage.Width / 2);
   Debug.Assert(destImage2.Height == srcImage.Height / 2);

   // Use the CloneAll method, this should create a copy
   // of all the pages
   RasterImage destImage3 = srcImage.CloneAll();
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneAll: {0}", destImage3.PageCount);
   Debug.Assert(destImage3.PageCount == srcImage.PageCount);

   // Use the CloneCommand, this allows you to have a progress
   // bar as well as control the memory flags, here
   // we will create a destination image using conventional memory.
   CloneCommand cloneCmd = new CloneCommand();
   cloneCmd.Progress += new EventHandler<RasterCommandProgressEventArgs>(cloneCmd_Progress);
   cloneCmd.CreateFlags = RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional;
   cloneCmd.Progress -= new EventHandler<RasterCommandProgressEventArgs>(cloneCmd_Progress);

   RasterImage destImage4 = cloneCmd.DestinationImage;
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.PageCount);
   Debug.WriteLine("Disk memory model of image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.IsDiskMemory);
   Debug.Assert(destImage4.PageCount == 1);

   // Clean up

void cloneCmd_Progress(object sender, RasterCommandProgressEventArgs e)
   if (e.Percent == 0)
      Debug.WriteLine("Clone progress started");
   if (e.Percent == 100)
      Debug.WriteLine("Clone progress ended");
Public Sub CloneExample(ByVal image As RasterImage)
   Dim srcImage As RasterImage = image ' should be a multi-page image (eye.gif)
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in source image: {0}", srcImage.PageCount)

   ' Use the Clone method to clone this image
   ' Notice, this method only clones the current active page only
   Dim destImage1 As RasterImage = srcImage.Clone()
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone: {0}", destImage1.PageCount)
   Debug.Assert(destImage1.PageCount = 1)

   ' Use the Clone rectangle method to clone this image
   ' Notice, this method also clones the current active page only
   Dim rc As LeadRect = New LeadRect(0, 0, srcImage.Width / 2, srcImage.Height / 2)
   Debug.WriteLine("Cloning with a rectangle = {0}", rc.ToString())
   Dim destImage2 As RasterImage = srcImage.Clone(rc)
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with Clone(Rectangle): {0}", destImage2.PageCount)
   Debug.WriteLine("Image created with Clone(Rectangle) size = {0} by {1}", destImage2.Width, destImage2.Height)
   Debug.Assert(destImage2.PageCount = 1)
   Debug.Assert(destImage2.Width = srcImage.Width / 2)
   Debug.Assert(destImage2.Height = srcImage.Height / 2)

   ' Use the CloneAll method, this should create a copy
   ' of all the pages
   Dim destImage3 As RasterImage = srcImage.CloneAll()
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneAll: {0}", destImage3.PageCount)
   Debug.Assert(destImage3.PageCount = srcImage.PageCount)

   ' Use the CloneCommand, this allows you to have a progress
   ' bar as well as control the memory flags, here
   ' we will create a destination image using conventional memory.
   Dim cloneCmd As CloneCommand = New CloneCommand()
   AddHandler cloneCmd.Progress, AddressOf cloneCmd_Progress
   cloneCmd.CreateFlags = RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional
   RemoveHandler cloneCmd.Progress, AddressOf cloneCmd_Progress

   Dim destImage4 As RasterImage = cloneCmd.DestinationImage
   Debug.WriteLine("Pages in image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.PageCount)
   Debug.WriteLine("Disk memory model of image created with CloneCommand: {0}", destImage4.IsDiskMemory)
   Debug.Assert(destImage4.PageCount = 1)

   ' Clean up
End Sub

Private Sub cloneCmd_Progress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RasterCommandProgressEventArgs)
   If e.Percent = 0 Then
      Debug.WriteLine("Clone progress started")
   End If
   If e.Percent = 100 Then
      Debug.WriteLine("Clone progress ended")
   End If
End Sub

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


RasterImage Class
RasterImage Members
Overload List



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