LEAD Technologies, Inc

DICOMService Class


The following tables list the members exposed by DICOMService.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDICOMService ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DICOMService class.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddUsersToRoleAdds users to the specified roles.  
Public MethodChangePasswordChanges a user password.  
Public MethodCreateRoleCreates a new role.  
Public MethodCreateUserCreates a new user.  
Public MethodDeleteRoleDeletes a specific role.  
Public MethodDeleteUserDeletes a specific user.  
Public MethodFindObjectInstanceQueries for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.  
Public MethodFindObjectInstanceExQueries for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.  
Public MethodFindSeriesQueries for the DICOM series information using matching parameters.  
Public MethodFindSeriesObjectsQueries for the DICOM series information using matching parameters.  
Public MethodFindStudiesQueries for the DICOM studies information using matching parameters.  
Public MethodFindStudyObjectsQueries for the DICOM studies information using matching parameters.  
Public MethodGetAllRolesRetrieves all roles defined by the server.  
Public MethodGetAllUsersRetrieves all users names stored in the server.  
Public MethodGetDicomRetrieves a DICOM object with options.  
Public MethodGetImageGets an image from a DICOM object with the preferred compression options.  
Public MethodGetImageInfoRetrieves general image information for a DICOM object.  
Public MethodGetImageInfoExRetrieves extended image information for a DICOM object.  
Public MethodGetObjectTagsRetrieves DICOM and image information for queried DICOM objects.  
Public MethodGetObjectTypeReturns the DICOM object type.  
Public MethodGetPrecompressedImagesFormatGets the server stored Pre-compressed images formats for the specified DICOM objects.  
Public MethodGetRolesForUserGets the roles which a user is a member of.  
Public MethodGetRolesPatientsPermissionsRetrieves the permissions to access patients information for a role.  
Public MethodGetSeriesImagesRetrieves all the DICOM images in a series with the preferred compression options.  
Public MethodGetStorageOptionsGets the administrator storage options for different compressions  
Public MethodGetUserCacheExpirationDurationRetrieves the time specified for the user cache items to be expired.  
Public MethodGetUsersInRoleRetrieves all users which are members in the specified role.  
Public MethodIsUserInRoleChecks whether a user is a member of specific role.  
Public MethodRemoveUsersFromRolesRemoves a group of users from a group of roles.  
Public MethodResetPasswordResets a user password into a new password.  
Public MethodRoleExistsChecks if a role defined by the server.  
Public MethodSetRolesPatientsPermissionsUpdate the roles permissions for accessing patients information.  
Public MethodSetStorageOptionsUpdates the storage options for images compression.  
Public MethodSetUserCacheExpirationDurationUpdates the time the cache items will be expired for a user.  
Public MethodStoreDICOMStores a DICOM object.  
Public MethodValidateUserChecks if the user name and password are valid.  
See Also


DICOMService Class
Leadtools.Dicom.WCF Namespace



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