LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom.Web assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

DicomWCFStreamer Class

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by DicomWCFStreamer.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDicomWCFStreamer ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DicomWCFStreamer class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDisposedGets a value indicating if the object has been disposed.  
Public PropertyManageServiceEndPointAddressGets or sets the WCF Service address which implement the Leadtools.Dicom.WCF.IManageService interface.  
Public PropertyMaxReceivedMessageSizeGets or sets the maximum size for a message that can be processed by the binding object.  
Public PropertyObjectRetrieveServiceEndPointAddressGets or sets the WCF Service address which implement the Leadtools.Dicom.WCF.IObjectRetrieveService interface.  
Public PropertyPasswordGets or sets the user password.  
Public PropertyQueryServiceEndPointAddressGets or sets the WCF Service address which implement the Leadtools.Dicom.WCF.IQueryService interface.  
Public PropertyReaderQuotasMaxArrayLengthGets or sets the maximum allowed array length for the binding reader quotas.  
Public PropertyRequestTimeoutGets or sets the time-out of the WCF service request.  
Public PropertyStoreServiceEndPointAddressGets or sets the WCF Service address which implement the Leadtools.Dicom.WCF.IStoreService interface.  
Public PropertyStreamingRetiresCountGets or sets the number of retires to call the WCF service.  
Public PropertyUseDefaultWebProxyGets or sets whether the DicomWCFStreamer should use the default proxy information to perform web requests.  
Public PropertyUserNameGets or sets the user name.  
Public PropertyValidationModeGets or sets the certificate validation mode.  
Public Methods
Public MethodChangePasswordChanges the user password.  
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  
Public MethodFindObjectInstanceQueries for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.  
Public MethodFindObjectInstanceExQueries for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.  
Public MethodFindSeriesQueries for a DICOM Series information using search parameters.  
Public MethodFindSeriesObjectsQueries for the DICOM series information using matching parameters.  
Public MethodFindStudiesQueries for the DICOM studies information from the DICOM service using matching parameters.  
Public MethodFindStudyObjectsQueries for the DICOM studies information using matching parameters.  
Public MethodGetCacheTimeoutGets the current user cache time-out in days as specified by the administrator.  
Public MethodGetDicomDataRetrieves a DICOM object buffer.  
Public MethodGetDicomImageRetrieves a DICOM image from a DICOM object.  
Public MethodGetDicomObjectRetrieves a DICOM object.  
Public MethodGetImageRetrieves a DICOM image with the user specified compression options.  
Public MethodGetImageDataRetrieves a DICOM image buffer with the user specified compression options.  
Public MethodGetImageInfoRetrieves general image information for a DICOM object.  
Public MethodGetObjectTagsRetrieves DICOM and image information for queried DICOM objects.  
Public MethodGetObjectTypeReturns the DICOM object type.  
Public MethodGetPrecompressedImagesFormatGets the server stored Pre-compressed images formats for the specified DICOM objects.  
Public MethodGetStorageOptionsGets the administrator storage options for different compressions  
Public MethodStreamSeriesImagesRetrieves the images of the specified series.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateManageServiceBindingCreates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Manage service  
Protected MethodCreateObjectRetrieveServiceBindingCreates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the ObjectRetrieve service  
Protected MethodCreateQueryServiceBindingCreates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Query service  
Protected MethodCreateStoreServiceBindingCreates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Store service  
Protected MethodFinalizeOverrides the Object.Finalize method.  
See Also


DicomWCFStreamer Class
Leadtools.Dicom.Web Namespace



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