LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Workstation assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

WorkstationMessages Class

Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by WorkstationMessages.

Public Properties
Public PropertyActionsLeftMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyActionsMiddleMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyActionsMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyActionsRightMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyActionsWheelMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyAnotherVolumeProcessingErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyCellDisplayOverviewExistsErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyConfirmDeleteAnnotationQuestionGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyConfirmDeleteCellQuestionGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyCreatingVolumeCompletedMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyCreatingVolumeMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyEngine3DFailureErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyFailedCreateControlFormattedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyFeatureNotImplementedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyIdentifyingVolumesGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyInitializeCellErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)InstanceGets a single instance of the WorkstationMessages class.  
Public PropertyLoaderNotFoundErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyLoadingImageNumberFormattedMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyLoadingImagesMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyLoadingVolumeGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyLoadingVolumeCompletedGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyLoadingVolumeStateGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyMedical3DFeatureLockedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyModalityNotDefinedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyNoImageFoundInDatasetErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyNoPrinterInstalledErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyNoPrinterSelectedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyNoSeriesImagesFoundMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyNoVolumeFoundForSeriesErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyObjectNotInitializedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyRetreiveVolumeInformationGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertySaveAnnotationDescriptionEmptyErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertySeriesStillLoadingMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStatisticalMaximumPixelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStatisticalMeanGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStatisticalMedianGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStatisticalMinimumPixelGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStatisticalNumberofPixelsGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStatisticalStandardDeviationGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStudiesViewerFormattedTitleGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyStudyExistsErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyTimelineCaptionTextGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyViewerNotBelongToViewErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyViewerNotExistErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyViewNotRegisteredErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyVolumeLoadedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyVolumeStateStoredSuccessMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyVolumeStoredSuccessMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public PropertyVolumeViewerFormattedTitleGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public Methods
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LoadMessagesLoads all the messages in the provided source.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SaveMessagesSaves all the messages in the WorkstationMessages class into the provided stream in XML format.  
See Also


WorkstationMessages Class
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace



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