| Name | Description |
 | AllowLossyCompression | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Allow Lossy Compression attribute. |
 | AllowMediaSplitting | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Allow Media Splitting attribute. |
 | BarcodeSymbology | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Barcode Symbology attribute. |
 | BarcodeValue | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Barcode Value attribute. |
 | ExecutionStatus | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Execution Status attribute. |
 | ExecutionStatusInfo | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Execution Status Info attribute. |
 | IncludeDisplayApplication | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Include Display Application attribute. |
 | IncludeNonDicomObjects | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Include Non-DICOM Objects attribute. |
 | InstanceCreationDate | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Instance Creation Date attribute. |
 | InstanceCreationTime | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Instance Creation Time attribute. |
 | LabelStyleSelection | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Label Style Selection attribute. |
 | LabelText | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Label Text attribute. |
 | MediaDisposition | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Media Disposition attribute. |
 | NumberOfCopies | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Number Of Copies attribute. |
 | PreserveAfterCreation | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Preserve Composite Instances After Media Creation attribute. |
 | RequestPriority | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Request Priority attribute. |
 | SopInstanceUID | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute. |
 | StatusUpdateDate | The name of the column that contains the information for the Status Update Date. |
 | StorageFileSetID | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Storage Media File-Set-ID attribute. |
 | StorageFileSetUID | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Storage Media File-Set-UID attribute. |
 | TableName | The name of the Table which contains the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.MediaInformationTable class. |
 | TotalNumberOfMediaCreated | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Total Number of Pieces of Media Created attribute. |
 | UseLabeInfoFromInstances | The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Label Using Information Extracted From Instances attribute. |