LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.MediaWriter assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

MediaWriterDrive Class

Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by MediaWriterDrive.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoEjectGets or sets the auto eject state.  
Public PropertyCurrentDiscTypeThe current MediaWriterDiscType of the disc currently inserted into the drive.  
Public PropertyCurrentSpeedIndexThe current speed index for this writable drive.  
Public PropertyDeviceIDThe Windows Device ID string for this drive.  
Public PropertyDiscCapacityGets the capacity, in bytes, of the inserted media in the drive.  
Public PropertyDiscPropsThe current MediaWriterDisc disc properties for this writable drive.  
Public PropertyDiscTypesThe list of supported disc types for the drive.  
Public PropertyDriveNumberThe drive index of this drive.  
Public PropertyEjectableGets the ejectable state for this drive.  
Public PropertyEraseableGets the erasable state for this drive.  
Public PropertyLoadableGets the loadable state for this drive.  
Public PropertyLoadedGets the loaded state for the current drive.  
Public PropertyNameThe name of this drive.  
Public PropertySpeedsThe list of MediaWriterSpeeds for this drive.  
Public PropertyStateGets the MediaWriterState for the current drive.  
Public PropertyTestWriteableGets the test writeable state for the current drive.  
Public PropertyWriteableGets the writable state for the current drive.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBurnDiscPerforms actual burning of an .ISO image or selected folder path to the disc in the current drive.  
Public MethodCancelCancels the current operation.  
Public MethodCreateDiscCreates a MediaWriterDisc object.  
Public MethodCreateISOCreates an .ISO image file on the selected folder path.  
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by this object.  
Public MethodEjectDiscOpens the the current CD or DVD drive tray.  
Public MethodEraseDiscErases the data from the currently loaded rewritable disc, if possible.  
Public MethodLoadDiscCloses the CD or DVD tray.  
Public MethodTestBurnDiscPerforms a write test verifying the input folder or .ISO file specified.  
Public Events
Public EventOnDeviceEventThe event delegate for writable drive eject and load events.  
Public EventOnProgressThe event delegate for writable drive progress events.  
See Also


MediaWriterDrive Class
Leadtools.MediaWriter Namespace



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Leadtools.MediaWriter requires a Document, Medical or Multimedia toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features