LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of classes, methods, properties, fields and events.
ClassWorklistCatalog Provides descriptions for the DICOM Work-list database using XML format. Implements the Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Catalog.XmlCatalog interface.
ClassWorklistDbDataAccessAgent Provide methods for accessing and adding DICOM work-list information stored in database.
ClassWorklistSqlCeDataAccessAgent Provide methods for accessing and adding DICOM work-list information stored in SQL Compact (CE) database.
ClassWorklistSqlDbDataAccessAgent Provide methods for accessing and adding DICOM work-list information stored in SQL server database.
ClassXmlWorklistCatalogSettings Provide configuration for the WorklistCatalog.
InterfaceIWorklistDataAccessAgent Provide methods for accessing and adding DICOM work-list information.
See Also


Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Assembly



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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features