LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

MPPSDataset Class Members

Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by MPPSDataset.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorMPPSDataset ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyCaseSensitiveGets or sets a value indicating whether string comparisons within System.Data.DataTable objects are case-sensitive. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyContainerGets the container for the component. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public PropertyDataSetNameGets or sets the name of the current System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyDefaultViewManagerGets a custom view of the data contained in the System.Data.DataSet to allow filtering, searching, and navigating using a custom System.Data.DataViewManager. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyDesignModeGets a value indicating whether the component is currently in design mode. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public PropertyEnforceConstraintsGets or sets a value indicating whether constraint rules are followed when attempting any update operation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyExtendedPropertiesGets the collection of customized user information associated with the DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyHasErrorsGets a value indicating whether there are errors in any of the System.Data.DataTable objects within this System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyIsInitializedGets a value that indicates whether the System.Data.DataSet is initialized. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyLocaleGets or sets the locale information used to compare strings within the table. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyNamespaceGets or sets the namespace of the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyPatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Patient Info for Unscheduled PPS (Performed Procedure Step)' table.  
Public PropertyPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Performed Protocol Code Sequence' table.  
Public PropertyPerformedSeriesSequenceGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Performed Series Sequence' table.  
Public PropertyPPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'PPS (Performed Procedure Step) Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence' table.  
Public PropertyPPSInformationGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'PPS (Performed Procedure Step) Information' table.  
Public PropertyPPSRelationshipGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'PPS (Performed Procedure Step) Relationship' table.  
Public PropertyPrefixGets or sets an XML prefix that aliases the namespace of the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyProcedureCodeSequenceGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Procedure Code Sequence' table.  
Public PropertyReferencedImageSequenceGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Image Sequence' table.  
Public PropertyReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceGets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Non Image Composite Sequence' table.  
Public PropertyRelationsGet the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.  
Public PropertyRemotingFormatGets or sets a System.Data.SerializationFormat for the System.Data.DataSet used during remoting. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertySchemaSerializationModeOverridden. Gets or sets a SchemaSerializationMode for this MPPSDataset.  
Public PropertySiteGets or sets an System.ComponentModel.ISite for the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public PropertyTablesGets the collection of tables contained in the MPPSDataset.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyEventsGets the list of event handlers that are attached to this component. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public Methods
Public MethodAcceptChangesCommits all the changes made to this System.Data.DataSet since it was loaded or since the last time System.Data.DataSet.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodBeginInitBegins the initialization of a System.Data.DataSet that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodClearClears the System.Data.DataSet of any data by removing all rows in all tables. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Copies the structure of the MPPSDataset, including all DataTable schemas, relations, and constraints. Does not copy any data.  
Public MethodCopyCopies both the structure and data for this System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodCreateDataReaderOverloaded. Returns a System.Data.DataTableReader with one result set per System.Data.DataTable, in the same sequence as the tables appear in the System.Data.DataSet.Tables collection. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Releases all resources used by the System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public MethodEndInitEnds the initialization of a System.Data.DataSet that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodGetChangesOverloaded. Gets a copy of the System.Data.DataSet that contains all changes made to it since it was loaded or since System.Data.DataSet.AcceptChanges was last called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodGetObjectDataPopulates a serialization information object with the data needed to serialize the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodGetServiceGets the implementer of the System.IServiceProvider. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetTypedDataSetSchemaThis API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Public MethodGetXmlReturns the XML representation of the data stored in the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodGetXmlSchemaReturns the XML Schema for the XML representation of the data stored in the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodHasChangesOverloaded. Gets a value indicating whether the System.Data.DataSet has changes, including new, deleted, or modified rows. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodInferXmlSchemaOverloaded. Applies the XML schema from the specified System.Xml.XmlReader to the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodLoadOverloaded. Fills a System.Data.DataSet with values from a data source using the supplied System.Data.IDataReader, using an array of System.Data.DataTable instances to supply the schema and namespace information. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodMergeOverloaded. Merges a specified System.Data.DataSet and its schema into the current DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodReadXmlOverloaded. Reads XML schema and data into the System.Data.DataSet using the specified System.Xml.XmlReader. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodReadXmlSchemaOverloaded. Reads the XML schema from the specified System.Xml.XmlReader into the System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodRejectChangesRolls back all the changes made to the System.Data.DataSet since it was created, or since the last time System.Data.DataSet.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodResetResets the System.Data.DataSet to its original state. Subclasses should override System.Data.DataSet.Reset to restore a System.Data.DataSet to its original state. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodToStringReturns a System.String containing the name of the System.ComponentModel.Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public MethodWriteXmlOverloaded. Writes the current data for the System.Data.DataSet using the specified System.IO.Stream. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public MethodWriteXmlSchemaOverloaded. Writes the System.Data.DataSet structure as an XML schema to the specified System.IO.Stream object. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodDetermineSchemaSerializationModeOverloaded. Determines the System.Data.DataSet.SchemaSerializationMode for a System.Data.DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Protected MethodGetSchemaSerializableOverridden. This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Protected MethodGetSerializationDataDeserializes the table data from the binary or XML stream. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Protected MethodInitializeDerivedDataSetOverridden. This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Protected MethodIsBinarySerializedInspects the format of the serialized representation of the DataSet. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangingRaises the System.Data.DataSet.OnPropertyChanging(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) event. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Protected MethodOnRemoveRelationOccurs when a System.Data.DataRelation object is removed from a System.Data.DataTable. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Protected MethodReadXmlSerializableOverridden. This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeRelationsOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether Relations property should be persisted.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeTablesOverridden. Gets a value indicating whether Tables property should be persisted.  
Public Events
Public EventDisposedAdds an event handler to listen to the System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent.Disposed event on the component. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
Public EventInitializedOccurs after the System.Data.DataSet is initialized. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
Public EventMergeFailedOccurs when a target and source System.Data.DataRow have the same primary key value, and System.Data.DataSet.EnforceConstraints is set to true. (Inherited from System.Data.DataSet)
See Also


MPPSDataset Class
Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer.BusinessEntity Namespace



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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features