Some file formats require additional licensing and/or unlock keys. For the most-current listing of licensing requirements, refer to:
The following table summarizes all of the formats supported by the LEAD WIC-Enabled Codec. Each format supports one or more subformats. For more information, refer to WICLeadSubFormat.htm.
Format | Description | Decoder | Encoder | Subformats |
Abc | LEAD Advanced Bitonal (Requires Purchase as Add-on to the Document and Medical Products, Runtime Licensing) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatAbc |
Ani | Windows Animated Cursor | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatAni |
Bmp | Windows Bitmap | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatBmp WICLeadSubFormatBmpRle WICLeadSubFormatOs2 WICLeadSubFormatOs22 |
Cals | CALS Raster | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatCals WICLeadSubFormatCals2 WICLeadSubFormatCals3 WICLeadSubFormatCals4 |
Clp | Microsoft Windows Clipboard | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatClp WICLeadSubFormatClpRle |
Cmp | LEAD Compressed | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatCmp WICLeadSubFormatLead1Bit |
Cmw | LEAD Wavelet Compressed (Requires a Document or Medical Product, Runtime Licensing) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatCmw |
Dicom | DICOM (Requires Medical Imaging Product) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatDicomGray WICLeadSubFormatDicomRleGray WICLeadSubFormatDicomJpegGray WICLeadSubFormatDicomJ2kGray WICLeadSubFormatDicomColor WICLeadSubFormatDicomRleColor WICLeadSubFormatDicomJpegColor WICLeadSubFormatDicomJ2kColor |
Emf | Enhanced Windows Metafile | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatEmf |
Eps | Encapsulated PostScript | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatEps |
Flc | AutoDesk Flic Animation | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatFlc |
Gif | Graphics Interchange Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatGif |
Hdp | JPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatHdp WICLeadSubFormatHdpGray WICLeadSubFormatHdpCmyk |
Ico | Windows Icon Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatWinIco WICLeadSubFormatPngIco |
Iff | Interchange File Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatIffIlbmUncompressed WICLeadSubFormatIffIlbm WICLeadSubFormatIffCatUncompressed WICLeadSubFormatIffCat |
Img | GEM Image Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatImg |
IOCA | Image Object Content Architecture (IBM) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatIcaG31Dim WICLeadSubFormatIcaG32Dim WICLeadSubFormatIcaG4 WICLeadSubFormatIcaIbmMmr WICLeadSubFormatIcaUncompressed WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaG31Dim WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaG32Dim WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaG4 WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaIbmMmr WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaUncompressed |
Itg | Intergraph Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatIntergraphRle WICLeadSubFormatIntergraphCcittG4 |
Jbig2 | Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group, Raster Bitonal (Requires a Document or Medical product, Runtime Licensing) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatJbig2 |
J2k | JPEG 2000 Compressed (Requires a Document or Medical Product, Runtime Licensing) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatJ2k WICLeadSubFormatJp2 |
Jpeg | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatJpeg WICLeadSubFormatJpeg422 WICLeadSubFormatJpeg411 WICLeadSubFormatJpegLab WICLeadSubFormatJpegLab422 WICLeadSubFormatJpegLab411 WICLeadSubFormatJpegRgb WICLeadSubFormatExifJpeg411 WICLeadSubFormatExifJpeg422 |
Mac | MacPaint Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatMac |
Mng | Multiple Image Network Graphics | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatMng WICLeadSubFormatMngGray WICLeadSubFormatMngJng WICLeadSubFormatMngJng411 WICLeadSubFormatMngJng422 |
Mrc | Mixed Raster Content | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatMrc WICLeadSubFormatLeadMrc |
Msp | Microsoft Paint | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatMsp |
Nitf | National Imagery Transmission Format (Requires purchase: adds onto the Document and Medical products, Runtime Licensing) | Yes | No | WICLeadSubFormatNitf |
Pbm | Portable Bitmap Utilities | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatPbmAscii WICLeadSubFormatPbmBinary |
Pcx | PC Paintbrush - ZSoft | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatPcx |
Pgm | Portable Greymap Utilities | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatPgmAscii WICLeadSubFormatPgmBinary |
Png | Portable Network Graphics Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatPng |
Ppm | Portable Pixmap Utilities | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatPpmAscii WICLeadSubFormatPpmBinary |
Psd | PhotoShop | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatPsd |
RawIca | Raw Image Object Content Architecture | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaG31Dim WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaG32Dim WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaG4 WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaIbmMmr WICLeadSubFormatRawIcaUncompressed |
Ras | SUN Raster Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatRasRle WICLeadSubFormatRas |
Sgi | Silicon Graphics Image Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatSgi WICLeadSubFormatSgiRle |
Smp | Xionics Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatSmp WICLeadSubFormatSmpG31Dim WICLeadSubFormatSmpG32Dim WICLeadSubFormatSmpG4 |
Tiff | Tagged Image File Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatTif WICLeadSubFormatCcitt WICLeadSubFormatCcittGroup31Dim WICLeadSubFormatCcittGroup32Dim WICLeadSubFormatCcittGroup4 WICLeadSubFormatGeoTiff WICLeadSubFormatTifPackBits WICLeadSubFormatTifLzw WICLeadSubFormatTifJbig WICLeadSubFormatTifJbig2 WICLeadSubFormatTifAbc WICLeadSubFormatTifJpeg WICLeadSubFormatTifCmp WICLeadSubFormatTifJ2k WICLeadSubFormatTifCmw WICLeadSubFormatTifCmyk WICLeadSubFormatTifYcc WICLeadSubFormatTifPackBitsCmyk WICLeadSubFormatTifPackbitsYcc WICLeadSubFormatTifJpeg422 WICLeadSubFormatTifJpeg411 WICLeadSubFormatTifLzwCmyk WICLeadSubFormatTifLzwYcc WICLeadSubFormatTifLeadMrc WICLeadSubFormatTifMrc WICLeadSubFormatExif WICLeadSubFormatExifYcc |
Tga | Truevision TARGA Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatTga WICLeadSubFormatTgaRle |
Wfx | WinFax Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatWfxG31Dim WICLeadSubFormatWfxG4 |
Wmf | Windows Metafile | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatWmf |
Wpg | WordPerfect Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatWpg |
Xbm | XBitMap Format | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatXbm |
Xpm | XPicMap | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatXpm |
Xps | XML Paper Specification (Requires a Document product) | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatXps WICLeadSubFormatXpsJpeg WICLeadSubFormatXpsJpeg422 WICLeadSubFormatXpsJpeg411 |
Xwd | X WindowDump | Yes | Yes | WICLeadSubFormatXwd WICLeadSubFormatXwd10 WICLeadSubFormatXwd11 |