LEAD Technologies, Inc

LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: Jbig2 Specific Options

Provides additional options for the LEAD Jbig2 Bitmap Encoder.

Property Bag Items

LEAD Jbig2 Encoder Options
Property Name VARTYPE Default Value Applicable LEAD Encoders Description
Jb2_ImageFlags VT_UI4 WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsNone Jbig2 See WICLeadJb2ImageFlags
Jb2_ImageTemplateType VT_UI1 3 Jbig2 Value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a non-text area. Possible values are:

0: Three lines with a 16-pixel template.
1: Three lines with a 13-pixel template.
2: Three lines with a 10-pixel template.
3: Two lines with a 10-pixel template.
Jb2_ImageGBATX1 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY1 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1

Jb2_ImageGBATY1 VT_I1 -3 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageGBATX2 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the value of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY2 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1.

Jb2_ImageGBATY2 VT_I1 0 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageGBATX3 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the values of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY3 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1.

Jb2_ImageGBATY3 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageGBATX4 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the value of the member Jb2_ImageGBATY4 is zero, in which case it ranges from -128 to -1.

Jb2_ImageGBATY4 VT_I1 0 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a non-text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_ImageQFactor VT_UI4 0 Jbig2

Value that represents the degree of loss in the compression process for a non-text area. The value of 0 means lossless while any other value means lossy. 0 is the default value. Valid values range from 0 - 50.

Jb2_TextFlags VT_UI4 WICLeadJb2TextFlagKeepAllSymbols Jbig2 See WICLeadJb2TextFlags
Jb2_TextTemplateType VT_UI1 0 Jbig2 Value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a text area. Possible values are:

0: Three lines with a 16-pixel template.
1: Three lines with a 13-pixel template.
2: Three lines with a 10-pixel template.
3: Two lines with a 10-pixel template.
Jb2_TextGBATX1 VT_I1 3 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member TextGBATY1 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to 1

Jb2_TextGBATY1 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A1 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextGBATX2 VT_I1 -3 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127, except when the value of the member TextGBATY2 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to 1.

Jb2_TextGBATY2 VT_I1 -1 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A2 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextGBATX3 VT_I1 2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member TextGBATY3 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to -1.

Jb2_TextGBATY3 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A3 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextGBATX4 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The X location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 127 except when the value of the member TextGBATY4 is zero, in which case it ranges from 128 to -1.

Jb2_TextGBATY4 VT_I1 -2 Jbig2

The Y location of the adaptive template pixel A4 for a text area encoding. Possible values range from -128 to 0.

Jb2_TextMinSymArea VT_UI4 50 Jbig2 Minimum text symbol area, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMinSymWidth VT_UI4 1 Jbig2 Minimum text symbol width, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMinSymHeight VT_UI4 1 Jbig2 Minimum text symbol height, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMaxSymArea VT_UI4 2000 Jbig2 Maximum text symbol area, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMaxSymWidth VT_UI4 200 Jbig2 Maximum text symbol width, in pixels.
Jb2_TextMaxSymHeight VT_UI4 200 Jbig2 Maximum text symbol height, in pixels.
Jb2_TextDifThreshold VT_UI4 30 Jbig2 Maximum difference allowed mapping a text symbol to a dictionary symbol, in percent.
Jb2_TextQFactor VT_UI4 0 Jbig2 Degree of the loss in the compression process for a text area. The value of 0 means lossless while any other value means lossy. 0 is the default value. Valid values range from 0 - 50.
Jb2_XResolution VT_UI4 150 Jbig2 Horizontal resolution to be used, in dots per inch.
Jb2_YResolution VT_UI4 150 Jbig2 Vertical resolution to be used, in dots per inch.
Jb2_Flags VT_UI4 WICLeadJb2FlagEnableDictionary Jbig2 See WICLeadJb2Flags


The Jb2_ImageTemplateType is a value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a non-text area. Possible values are:

Value Meaning Template


Three lines with a 16-pixel template.


Three lines with a 13-pixel template.


Three lines with a 10-pixel template.


Two lines with a 10-pixel template.

The Jb2_TextTemplateType is a Value that indicates which template-based arithmetic encoder to use when encoding a text area. Possible values are:

Value Meaning Template


Three lines with a 16-pixel template.


Three lines with a 13-pixel template.


Three lines with a 10-pixel template.


Two lines with a 10-pixel template.


            // This example shows how to save a JBIG2 file with options using the property bag
            // Then the file is saved with the following options:
            // * Jb2_ImageFlags: WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction
            // * Jb2_TextFlags: WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols
            // * Jb2_Flags: WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker
            // Refer to the Example Requirements for help in running this sample
            HRESULT IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_PropertyBag_Jb2(HWND hWnd, WCHAR *pszOut)
               HRESULT hr = S_OK;
               IWICImagingFactory *piImagingFactory = NULL;
               IWICBitmapEncoder *piBitmapEncoder = NULL;
               IWICBitmapFrameEncode *piBitmapFrameEncode = NULL;
               IWICStream *piStream = NULL;
               IPropertyBag2 *piPropertyBag = NULL;
               CString csExampleName;
               GUID guidContainerFormat = GUID_ContainerFormatLeadJbig2;
               WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormat = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR;
               csExampleName.Format(L"IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_PropertyBag_Jb2\nThis example creates a Jpeg2000 file (%s) with Jb2_ImageFlags: WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction, Jb2_TextFlags: WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols, Jb2_Flags: WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker", pszOut);
               // Create a LEAD Jpeg Bitmap Encoder
               IFS(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWICImagingFactory, (LPVOID*) &piImagingFactory));
               IFS(piStream->InitializeFromFilename(pszOut, GENERIC_WRITE));
               IFS(piImagingFactory->CreateEncoder(guidContainerFormat, NULL, &piBitmapEncoder));
               IFS(piBitmapEncoder->Initialize(piStream, WICBitmapEncoderNoCache));
               IFS(piBitmapEncoder->CreateNewFrame(&piBitmapFrameEncode, &piPropertyBag));
               // This is how you customize the a LEAD WIC Encoder property bag.
                  ULONG uCount = 0;
                  hr = piPropertyBag->CountProperties(&uCount);
                  PROPBAG2 *pBag = new PROPBAG2[uCount];
                  ZeroMemory(pBag, sizeof(*pBag));
                  VARIANT *pValue = new VARIANT[uCount];
                  ZeroMemory(pValue, sizeof(*pValue));
                  HRESULT *pErrors = new HRESULT[uCount];
                  ZeroMemory(pErrors, sizeof(*pErrors));
                  IFS(piPropertyBag->GetPropertyInfo(0, uCount, pBag, &uCount));
                  IFS(piPropertyBag->Read(uCount, pBag, NULL, pValue, pErrors));
                  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                     for (ULONG u = 0; u < uCount; u++)
                        if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"Jb2_ImageFlags")== 0)
                           pValue[u].uintVal = WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction;
                           piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);
                        else if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"Jb2_TextFlags")== 0)
                           pValue[u].uintVal = WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols;
                           piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);
                        else if (wcscmp(pBag[u].pstrName, L"Jb2_Flags")== 0)
                           pValue[u].uintVal = WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker;
                           piPropertyBag->Write(1, pBag+u, pValue+u);
               // Now create the image data that we will write
               UINT uiWidth = 256;
               UINT uiHeight = 256;
               IFS(piBitmapFrameEncode->SetSize(uiWidth, uiHeight));
               WICPixelFormatGUID formatGUID = GUID_WICPixelFormatBlackWhite;
               if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                  // We're expecting to write out 1-bit data. Fail if the encoder cannot do it.
                  hr = IsEqualGUID(formatGUID, GUID_WICPixelFormatBlackWhite) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
               if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                  UINT cbStride = (uiWidth * 1 + 7)/8;
                  UINT cbBufferSize = uiHeight * cbStride;
                  BYTE *pbBuffer = new BYTE[cbBufferSize];
                  if (pbBuffer != NULL)
                     for (UINT i = 0; i < cbBufferSize; i++)
                        pbBuffer[i] = static_cast<BYTE>(rand());
                     hr = piBitmapFrameEncode->WritePixels(uiHeight, cbStride, cbBufferSize, pbBuffer);
                     delete[] pbBuffer;
                     hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
               // Commit the changes to the stream
               MessageBox(hWnd, csExampleName, csExampleName, MB_OK);
               return hr;

See Also


LEAD WIC-Enabled Codecs Overview
Registering a LEAD WIC-Enabled Codec
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: Jpeg2000 Specific Options
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: XPS Specific Options



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