LEAD Technologies, Inc

Configuring the LEADTOOLS Storage Server Application using the Control Panel:DICOM Server

The DICOM Server button (Storage Server DICOM Server Button) on the Control Panel of the LEADTOOLS Storage Server main window opens the Server Settings dialog with the DICOM Server branch selected in the tree view. The settings determine how the DICOM Server is set up and operates. The DICOM Server branch can be expanded to show the following pages:

Settings Page

Displays the settings controlling the listening service for the LEADTOOLS Storage Server Storage Server DICOM Server Settings Page
The following fields are on the Settings page All Client applications must be pointed to the displayed AE title, IP address and Port number

Client Configuration Page

The Client Configuration page displays settings for client communications. It is a list view of the clients that are allowed to communicate with the DICOM server.
Storage Server DICOM Server Client Configuration Page
The following fields are on the Client Configuration page:

Add Client Dialog

Use the Add Client dialog to add clients that can communicate with the server
Storage Server Dicom Server Add Client Dialog
The following fields are on the dialog

Options Page

The Options page displays settings to manage connections, timeout settings and to specify the Temp directory.
Storage Server DICOM Server Options Page
The following fields are on the LEADTOOLS Storage Server Options page:

Networking Page

The Networking page displays networking settings.
Storage Server DICOM Server Network Page
The following fields are on the Networking page:



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