LEADTOOLS WIA (Leadtools.Wia assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Wia Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of enumerations, structures, and classes.

Provides data for the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireEvent event.


Provides data for the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireFileEvent event.


Provides data for the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumCapabilitiesEvent event.


Provides data for the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumDevicesEvent event.


Provides data for the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumFormatsEvent event.


Provides data for the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumItemsEvent event.

ClassWiaException The exception that is thrown when a WIA error occurs.

The WiaSession provides support for WIA scanning functionality.


Provides data for each WIA property set by calling the WiaSession.SetProperties method.


Provides information about the options that affect the acquisition process.

StructureWiaCapability Provides information about each enumerated WIA capability.

Provides information about the WiaPropertyAttributesFlags.Flag type enumerated WIA capabilities.

StructureWiaCapabilityListValues Provides information about the WiaPropertyAttributesFlags.List type enumerated WIA capabilities.
StructureWiaCapabilityRangeValues Provides information about the enumerated WiaPropertyAttributesFlags.Range type WIA capabilities.
StructureWiaCapabilityValues Provides information about each enumerated WIA capability value.
StructureWiaDataTransferProperties Provides data transfer information for the current selected data source.
StructureWiaImageEffectsProperties Provides image effects properties for the currently selected data source.

Provides image resolution information for the currently selected data source.

StructureWiaProperties Provides WIA properties for the current selected data source.
EnumerationWiaAcquiredPageFlags Flags used through the AcquireEvent and AcquireFileEvent events.
EnumerationWiaAcquireFlags Flags used with the WiaSession.Acquire, WiaSession.AcquireToFile and WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods.
EnumerationWiaAutoDeskewMode Turns automatic deskew on or off. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_AUTO_DESKEW property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaCaptureMode Sets the image capture mode. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_CAPTURE_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaCategories WIA 2.0 available categories. For more information please refer to "WIA 2.0 Item Category GUIDs" topic in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaCompressionMode Compression to be used while performing data transfer from WIA source. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_COMPRESSION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaDeviceType Used with WiaSession.SelectedDeviceType property and WiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg and WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods. For more information please refer to WIA_DIP_DEV_TYPE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaDocumentHandlingCapabilitiesFlags Flags contains the scanner capabilities. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_CAPABILITIES property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaDocumentHandlingStatusFlags Flags contains current state of the scanner's installed flatbed, document feeder, or duplexer. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaEffectMode Specifies the special image acquisition mode of the camera. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_EFFECT_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaEnumCapabilitiesFlags Reserved for future use.
EnumerationWiaEnumFormatsFlags Reserved for future use.
EnumerationWiaExceptionCode Used as a value for WiaException.Code property.
EnumerationWiaExposureMeteringMode Specifies the mode the camera uses to automatically adjust the exposure setting. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaExposureMode Indicates the camera's current exposure mode. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaFileFormats Preferred image format to use when performing data transfer from the WIA source. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPA_FORMAT property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaFilmScanMode Enables configuration of the current film scan. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_FILM_SCAN_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaFlashMode Defines the current flash mode setting for the camera device. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_FLASH_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaFocusMeteringMode Specifies the mode the camera uses to automatically adjust the focus. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_FOCUS_METERING_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaFocusMode Defines the current focus mode setting for the camera device. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_FOCUS_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaHorizontalBedRegistrationMode Contains the registration, or horizontal alignment, for documents placed on the flatbed. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_HORIZONTAL_BED_REGISTRATION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaHorizontalSheetFeederRegistrationMode Contains the registration, or alignment and edge detection, for documents that are placed on the flatbed. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_SHEET_FEEDER_REGISTRATION property ID for WIA 1.0 and WIA_IPS_SHEET_FEEDER_REGISTRATION for WIA 2.0 in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaImageDataType The data types to be used for the image when performing data transfer from WIA source. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPA_DATATYPE property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaImageType Flags used within the WiaProperties structure.
EnumerationWiaItemAccessRights This flag controls access to the item as well as whether the item is deleted. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_ACCESS_RIGHTS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaItemPlanarMode Contains image data packing options. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPA_PLANAR property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is not supported in Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaItemTypeFlags Flags that specify the Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) item type. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaOrientation Original orientation of a page or image to be acquired. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaPageSizeMode Contains the size of the page that is currently selected to be scanned. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property ID for WIA 1.0 or WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE for WIA 2.0 in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaPowerMode Defines the current power source for the camera device. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_POWER_MODE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaPreviewControlMode Indicates whether an item needs a preview control displayed to the user. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_SHOW_PREVIEW_CONTROL property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaPreviewMode Indicates the preview mode for a device. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_PREVIEW property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaPreviewType Specifies whether the existing preview image can be updated during an image preview (in response to a change in the WiaPropertyId.ItemDatatype or WiaPropertyId.ItemDepth properties).

For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPS_PREVIEW_TYPE property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaPropertyAttributesFlags Flags used within WiaCapability structure. For more information please refer to "Property Attributes" topic in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaPropertyId List of all available WIA properties. For more information about each of these properties please refer to Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaScannerItemPhotometricMode Contains the current setting for white and black pixels. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaScannerItemRotation How much (if at all) to rotate the image before image data is sent back to the application. For more information, please refer to the WIA_IPS_ROTATION property ID in the Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaScannerItemTransferCapabilitiesMode Specifies whether the driver is capable of transferring multiple child items in single transfer call. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_TRANSFER_CAPABILITIES property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaScannerLampMode Turns the scanner lamp on or off. For more information please refer to WIA_IPS_LAMP property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaScanningModeFlags Flags used within the WiaProperties structure.
EnumerationWiaSelectSourceFlags Flags used with WiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg method
EnumerationWiaSuppressPropertyPageMode Specifies whether to suppress the general property pages for items on the device. For more information please refer to WIA_IPA_SUPPRESS_PROPERTY_PAGE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaTransferMode Transfer mode to be used by the WIA source.
EnumerationWiaVariableTypes Flags used within WiaCapability structure. For more information please refer to VARENUM in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
EnumerationWiaVersion Specifies the WIA version to use. Used with the WiaSession.Startup, WiaSession.IsAvailable and WiaSession.AcquireSimple methods.
EnumerationWiaVerticalBedRegistrationMode Contains the registration, or vertical alignment and edge detection, for documents placed on the flatbed. For more information please refer to WIA_DPS_VERTICAL_BED_REGISTRATION property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.

This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later.

EnumerationWiaWhiteBalanceMode Specifies how the digital camera weights color channels. For more information please refer to WIA_DPC_WHITE_BALANCE property ID in Microsoft Windows SDK Documentation.
See Also


Leadtools.Wia Assembly



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