LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

AnnNoteObject Class Members

Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnNoteObject.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAnnNoteObject ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ShadowBorderWidthPropertyIdentifies the ShadowBorderWidth dependency property.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBoundingRectangleGets the logical bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyDefiningGeometryGets a value that represents the System.Windows.Media.Geometry of this AnnRectangleObject. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public PropertyDependencyObjectType (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public PropertyDispatcher (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
Public PropertyFillGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Color associated with this AnnObject to fill this object geometry. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyFillBrushGets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject to fill this object geometry. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyFixedStateThe fixed state of this object. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyFontDecorationGets or sets a value that indicates the TextDecorationCollection to apply to the text. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFontFamilyNameGets or sets a value that indicates the font family of the typeface. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFontSizeGets or sets a value that indicates the font size the text should be formatted at. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFontStretchGets or sets a value that indicates the degree to which the typeface is stretched. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFontStyleGets or sets a value that indicates the style of the typeface. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyFontWeightGets or sets a value that indicates the relative weight of the typeface. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyForegroundGets or sets a value that indicates which brush to use to paint the each glyph. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyGripperDistanceThe distance in pixels that the AnnObject.RotateGripper control point is originally placed from the bounds of the AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderGets or sets the header of the AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderBackgroundGets or sets the color used to fill the background of the header of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderDecorationsGets or sets a value that indicates the TextDecorationCollection to apply to the text. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderFontFamilyNameGets or sets a value that indicates the font family of the header typeface. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderFontSizeGets or sets a value that indicates the font size the header should be formatted at. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderFontStretchGets or sets a value that indicates the degree to which the header typeface is stretched. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderFontStyleGets or sets a value that indicates the header style of the typeface. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderFontWeightGets or sets a value that indicates the header relative weight of the typeface. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderForegroundGets or sets the color used to draw the text of the header of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHeaderOffsetGets or sets the header offset relative to the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyHyperlinkGets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsHeaderRestrictedGets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnObject header is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsHeaderVisibleGets or sets a value to determine whether to draw the header of this AnnObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsLockedGets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyIsSealed (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public PropertyIsVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyOriginGets the logical origin of this AnnObject. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyPasswordGets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyRectGets or sets the bounding rectangle of this AnnRectangleObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public PropertyRotateCenterThe location of the rotate center control point. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyRotateGripperThe location of the rotate gripper control point. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyShadowBorderWidthReturns the width of the shadow border of this AnnNoteObject. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support  
Public PropertyStrokeGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Color associated with this AnnObject to draw this object's outline. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyStrokeBrushGets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject to draw this object's outline. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyStrokeThicknessGets or sets the width of the AnnObject outline. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertySupportsFillGets a value indicating whether this AnnObject object supports a fill. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertySupportsStrokeGets a value indicating whether this AnnObject object supports a stroke. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyTagGets or sets a user-defined data object that is associated with this object .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text string associated with this AnnTextObject class object. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextEdgeMarginGets or sets the margin between the text and the AnnRectangleObject.Rect bounding rectangle. This is a dependency property. .NET support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextHorizontalAlignmentGets or sets a value that indicates the text horizontal alignment. This is a dependency property. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextRotateGets or sets the rotation value. This is a dependency property. .NET support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTextVerticalAlignmentGets or sets the text vertical alignment information. This is a dependency property. .NET support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Public PropertyTransformGets the object current transformation matrix. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public PropertyTransformModeGets a value that determines how to transform this AnnObject when any object transformation method is called. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodClearValueOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Creates an exact copy of this AnnNoteObject object. .NET support Silverlight support  
Public MethodCoerceValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodGetLocalValueEnumerator (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodGetValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodHitTestHeaderPerforms hit-testing on this AnnObject header. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodInvalidateInvalidates the whole area of this object and signals the container to redraw the control. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodInvalidateProperty(DependencyProperty) (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodLockLocks this AnnObject with the specified password. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodReadLocalValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodResetRotatePointsResets the AnnObject.RotateCenter and AnnObject.RotateGripper control points to a default location. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodResetTransformResets the transformation matrix of this AnnObject. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodRestoreOriginalLocationThe AnnRectangleObject implementation of AnnObject.RestoreOriginalLocation. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodRestrictHeaderRestricts the header to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container of this AnnObject. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodRotateRotates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject around a point. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodSaveOriginalLocationThe AnnRectangleObject implementation of AnnObject.SaveOriginalLocation. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnRectangleObject)
Public MethodScaleScales the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified ratios. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodSetCurrentValue(DependencyProperty,Object) (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodSetValueOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public MethodTransformRotatePointsApplies the transformer to the rotate control points. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodTranslateTranslates the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified values. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Public MethodUnlockUnlocks this AnnObject with the specified password. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateOverridden. Creates a new instance of this AnnNoteObject. .NET support Silverlight support  
Protected MethodGetTransformPointsGets the array of points to be transformed. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnFillBrushChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.FillBrush property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFillChangedOverrides AnnObject.OnFillChanged (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFixedStateChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.FixedState property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnFontDecorationChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.FontDecoration property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFontFamilyNameChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.FontFamilyName property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFontSizeChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.FontSize property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFontStretchChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.FontStretch property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFontStyleChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.FontStyle property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnFontWeightChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.FontWeight property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnForegroundChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.Foreground property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnGripperDistanceChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.GripperDistance property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderBackgroundChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderBackground property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.Header property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderDecorationsChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderDecorations property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderFontFamilyNameChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderFontFamilyName property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderFontSizeChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderFontSize property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderFontStretchChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderFontStretch property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderFontStyleChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderFontStyle property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderFontWeightChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderFontWeight property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderForegroundChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderForeground property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHeaderOffsetChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.HeaderOffset property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnHyperlinkChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.Hyperlink property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnIsHeaderRestrictedChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.IsHeaderRestricted property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnIsHeaderVisibleChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.IsHeaderVisible property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Protected MethodOnRectChangedOverrides AnnRectangleObject.OnRectChanged (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnRotateCenterChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.RotateCenter property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnRotateGripperChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.RotateGripper property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnShadowBorderWidthChangedOccurs when the value ShadowBorderWidth property changes.  
Protected MethodOnStrokeBrushChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.StrokeBrush property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnStrokeChangedOverrides AnnObject.OnStrokeChanged (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnStrokeThicknessChangedOccurs when the value AnnObject.StrokeThickness property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
Protected MethodOnTextChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.Text property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnTextEdgeMarginChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.TextEdgeMargin property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnTextHorizontalAlignmentChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.TextHorizontalAlignment property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnTextRotateChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.TextRotate property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodOnTextVerticalAlignmentChangedOccurs when the value AnnTextObject.TextVerticalAlignment property changes. (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnTextObject)
Protected MethodSetTransformPointsSets the array of transformed points. .NET support Silverlight support (Inherited from Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnObject)
See Also


AnnNoteObject Class
Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Namespace



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