Available in LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging toolkits. |
#include "ltdic.h"
L_UINT16 LDicomDS::VerifySignature(pSignatureItem, uReserved = 0)
pDICOMELEMENT pSignatureItem; |
/* pointer to a Digital Signatures Sequence Item */ |
L_UINT16 uReserved; |
/* reserved */ |
Verifies Digital Signatures in the Data Set.
Parameter |
Description |
pSignatureItem |
Pointer to a DICOMELEMENT structure that specifies the Digital Signatures Sequence Item which corresponds to the Digital Signature to be verified. To verify all the Digital Signatures in the entire Data Set, set this parameter to NULL. |
uReserved |
Reserved for future use. This must be set to 0. |
The Digital Signature(s) was/were verified successfully. |
The Digital Signature is invalid or at least one of the Digital Signatures is invalid. |
(Otherwise) |
An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
To verify all the Digital Signatures in the entire Data Set, set the pSignatureItem parameter to NULL. If at least one of these Digital Signatures is invalid, the function returns DICOM_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE and does not examine the remaining Digital Signatures, if there are any.
Required DLLs and Libraries
LTDIC For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application |
Win32, x64
See Also
#define MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(pFileName) TEXT("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\LEADTOOLS Images\\")pFileName L_VOID ExamineSignature(LDicomDS& DataSet, pDICOMELEMENT pSignatureItem) { L_TCHAR szMsg[1024] = TEXT(""); // Verify the Digital Signature; if pSignatureItem is NULL, the function // will verify all the Digital Signatures that exist in the Data Set L_UINT16 uRet = DataSet.VerifySignature(pSignatureItem); switch (uRet) { case DICOM_SUCCESS: if (pSignatureItem) { ::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The Digital Signature was verified."), TEXT("Sample"), MB_OK); } else { ::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("All Digital Signatures were verified (if there are any)."), TEXT("Sample"), MB_OK); return; } break; case DICOM_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE: if (pSignatureItem) { ::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The Digital Signature is invalid."), TEXT("Sample"), MB_OK); } else { ::MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("At least one Digital Signature is invalid."), TEXT("Sample"), MB_OK); } return; default: wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("An error occurred [Error: %hu]."), uRet); ::MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TEXT("Sample"), MB_OK); return; } // The Digital Signature UID L_TCHAR* pszSignatureUID; pszSignatureUID = DataSet.GetSignatureUID(pSignatureItem); if (pszSignatureUID) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("Digital Signature UID: %s\n"), pszSignatureUID); } // The Digital Signature DateTime pVALUEDATETIME pSignatureDateTime; pSignatureDateTime = DataSet.GetSignatureDateTime(pSignatureItem); if (pSignatureDateTime) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%sDigital Signature DateTime: %02hu/%02hu/%04hu %02hu:%02hu:%02hu.%06lu %c%04li\n"), szMsg, pSignatureDateTime->nMonth, pSignatureDateTime->nDay, pSignatureDateTime->nYear, pSignatureDateTime->nHours, pSignatureDateTime->nMinutes, pSignatureDateTime->nSeconds, pSignatureDateTime->nFractions, (pSignatureDateTime->nOffset >= 0) ? '+' : '-', pSignatureDateTime->nOffset); } // The MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID L_TCHAR* pszMacTransferSyntax; pszMacTransferSyntax = DataSet.GetMacTransferSyntax(pSignatureItem); if (pszMacTransferSyntax) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%sMAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID: %s\n"), szMsg, pszMacTransferSyntax); } // The MAC Algorithm L_TCHAR* pszMacAlgorithm; pszMacAlgorithm = DataSet.GetMacAlgorithm(pSignatureItem); if (pszMacAlgorithm) { wsprintf(szMsg,TEXT( "%sMAC Algorithm: %s\n"), szMsg, pszMacAlgorithm); } // The Data Elements Signed if (DataSet.GetSignedElementsCount(pSignatureItem) > 0) { lstrcat(szMsg, TEXT("Data Elements Signed: ")); // We will display only one pDICOMELEMENT pSignedElement; pSignedElement = DataSet.GetSignedElement(pSignatureItem, 0); if (pSignedElement) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s(%04X,%04X),..."), szMsg, GETGROUP(pSignedElement->nTag), GETELEMENT(pSignedElement->nTag)); } lstrcat(szMsg, TEXT("\n")); } lstrcat(szMsg, TEXT("\nDo you want to save the Certificate of Signer?")); // Display the information we have about the Digital Signature if (::MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TEXT("Sample"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { // Save the Certificate of Signer DataSet.SaveCertificate(pSignatureItem, MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("CertOfSigner.cer"))); } }