(Document and Medical Imaging toolkits)
LEADTOOLS provides several functions for manipulating annotation objects so they are flipped, reversed, or rotated.
Use the L_AnnFlip function to flip one or more annotation objects, top to bottom. Objects that contain text cannot be flipped or reversed. If one or more such objects are in a group of objects that is flipped or reversed on a common axis, the text will move to the new position, but will retain its orientation.
Use the L_AnnReverse function to reverse one or more annotation objects, left to right. Objects that contain text cannot be flipped or reversed. If one or more such objects are in a group of objects that is flipped or reversed on a common axis, the text will move to the new position, but will retain its orientation.
Use the L_AnnRotate function to rotate one or more annotation objects. Certain objects cannot be rotated (see the following list). If one or more such objects are in a group of objects that is rotated around a common center, those objects will move to new positions, but will retain their orientation.
Flipping and Reversing:
All annotation objects flip or reverse with the following notes:
ANNOBJECT_AUDIO - metafile does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_BUTTON - text itself does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_ENCRYPT - metafile does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_FREEHANDHOTSPOT -- metafile does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_HOTSPOT - metafile does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_NOTE - text itself does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_POINT - if the point uses an image, the image does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_PUSHPIN - text itself does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_RTF - text itself does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_STAMP © the text flips/reverses, but the image and metafile do not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_TEXT - text itself does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_TEXTPOINTER - the tail flips, but the text does not flip/reverse
ANNOBJECT_VIDEO - metafile does not flip/reverse
All objects rotate EXCEPT for the following objects:
ANNOBJECT_FREEHANDHOTSPOT © the object rotates, but not the metafile
See Also