
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LPlayBack::Create(pBitmap, pLBitmapList=NULL)

LBitmapBase * pBitmap;

/* pointer to an LBitmapBase object */

LBitmapList * pLBitmapList;

/* pointer to an LBitmapList object */

Creates an animation playback for the class object.




Pointer to the background bitmap. This bitmap will be invalid after the function cal, since it will be attached to the internal bitmap. This is an optional parameter. If you pass NULL, then the playback will be created using the internal bitmap object. In this case the internal bitmap object must be allocated. You can access the internal bitmap object by calling the LPlayBack::GetBitmap function, which is declared using the LEAD_DECLARE_PLAYBACK_BITMAP() macro. For more information about C++ Wrapper macros, refer to Wrapper Macros.


Optional pointer to the bitmap list containing images to be played. The list can be created using LBitmapList::Create and related functions. You can also pass NULL in this parameter to let the function create an empty list.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The target bitmap for the playback must be allocated before calling this function.

If you pass NULL in the pLBitmapList parameter, you can use the LPlayBack::Append function to add bitmaps to the list during the playback. This is useful in any of the LFile object's load callback functions, if you want to play an animated file as it is being loaded. If you need to reference the list after the playback, you can pass the address of an LBitmapList object when you call the LPlayBack::Destroy function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


Class Members


Raster Image Functions: Creating and Maintaining Lists of Images


Implementing Animation


For an example, refer to LPlayBack::Process.