Available in LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Vector, Document, and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
#include "ltwrappr.h"
static L_INT LFileSettings::GetLoadResolution(nFormat, pWidth, pHeight, pLoadFileOption=NULL)
L_INT nFormat; |
/* file format */ |
L_UINT32 * pWidth; |
/* address of the width variable to be updated */ |
L_UINT32 * pHeight; |
/* address of the height variable to be updated */ |
pLOADFILEOPTION pLoadFileOption; |
/* pointer to optional extended load options */ |
Gets the last values set by the LFileSettings::SetLoadResolution function.
Parameter |
Description |
nFormat |
File format. The following are possible values: |
Value |
Meaning |
[57] Kodak PhotoCD |
[80] Kodak FlashPix |
[115] JBIG |
[163] JPEG 2000. This file format contains image data and extra information about the contents and organization of the file. |
[164] JPEG 2000. This file format contains only a stream of image data. |
[165] Wavelet CMP. |
[277] Enhanced Compressed Wavelet. |
pWidth |
Address of the variable to be updated with the last width value that was set. |
pHeight |
Address of the variable to be updated with the last height value that was set. |
pLoadFileOption |
Pointer to optional extended load options. Pass NULL to use the default load options. |
The function was successful. |
< 1 |
An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Required DLLs and Libraries
LTFIL For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application. |
Win32, x64.
See Also
#define MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(pFileName) TEXT("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\LEADTOOLS Images\\")pFileName L_INT LFileSettings__GetLoadResolutionExample(HWND hWnd) { L_INT nRet; pDIMENSION pDimensions; /* Pointer to the array to be updated */ HGLOBAL hDimensions; /* Handle to the buffer for the array */ L_UINT DimensionCount; /* Number of physical resolutions */ L_TCHAR szMessage[256]; /* MessageBox string */ L_UINT32 uWidth; /* Width variable to be updated */ L_UINT32 uHeight; /* Height variable to be updated */ L_UINT i; /* Loop counter */ L_TCHAR *pszFileName= MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("img0024.pcd"));; LFileSettings fileSettings; /* Count the number of sizes */ LBitmap LeadBitmap; nRet = LeadBitmap.Load(pszFileName, 0, ORDER_RGB); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; nRet = fileSettings.GetSaveResolution(&DimensionCount, NULL); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; /* Allocate memory to hold the array of DIMENSION structures */ hDimensions = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(DIMENSION)* DimensionCount); pDimensions = (pDIMENSION)GlobalLock( hDimensions ); /* Fill the array */ nRet = fileSettings.GetSaveResolution(&DimensionCount, pDimensions); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; /* Display a message box that shows the available sizes */ wsprintf (szMessage,TEXT("Available dimensions:\n")); for(i = 0; i < DimensionCount; ++i) { wsprintf (szMessage,TEXT("%s\n%d x %d"), szMessage, pDimensions[i].nWidth, pDimensions[i].nHeight); } MessageBox( NULL, szMessage, TEXT("File Information"), MB_OK ); /* Set the size to load, the smallest size in this case */ nRet = fileSettings.SetLoadResolution(FILE_PCD, pDimensions[0].nWidth, pDimensions[0].nHeight); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; /* Free the memory that we allocated */ GlobalUnlock (hDimensions); GlobalFree (hDimensions); /* Get the dimensions that we just set and display them */ nRet = fileSettings.GetLoadResolution(FILE_PCD, &uWidth, &uHeight, NULL); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; wsprintf (szMessage,TEXT("Size that will be loaded:\n\n%d x %d"), uWidth, uHeight); MessageBox( NULL, szMessage, TEXT("File Information"), MB_OK ); /* Load the bitmap, keeping the bits per pixel of the file */ nRet = LeadBitmap.Load(pszFileName,0, ORDER_BGR); if(nRet != SUCCESS) return nRet; /* Update the paint palette to force a repaint */ SendMessage (hWnd, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0L); return SUCCESS; }