The following code demonstrates how to create DVD images using LEAD Multimedia toolkit.
#define MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(pFileName) (TEXT("C:\\LEADTOOLS 17.5\\Media\\")TEXT(pFileName)) #include "ltmm.h" #include "ILTDvdWriter2.h" #include <TChar.h> LPOLESTR T2OLE(LPCTSTR lpt) { static OLECHAR lpw[512]; if(!lpt) return NULL; lpw[0] = L'\0'; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpt, -1, lpw, 512); return lpw; } LPTSTR OLE2T(LPCOLESTR lpw) { static TCHAR lpt[512]; if(!lpw) return NULL; lpt[0] = _T('\0'); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, lpt, 512, NULL, NULL); return lpt; } void WaitForCompletion(IltmmConvert *pConvert) { long lState = ltmmConvert_State_Running; MSG msg; IltmmConvert_get_State(pConvert, &lState); while( lState != ltmmConvert_State_Stopped ) { if( PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) ) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } IltmmConvert_get_State(pConvert, &lState); } } void CreateDVDImageExample ( ) { IltmmConvert *pConvert = NULL; IUnknown *pDvdWriter = NULL; ILTDvdWriter *pIDvdWriter = NULL; BSTR szFileName = NULL; IltmmCompressors *pCompressors; long lIndex = 0; HRESULT hr; CoInitialize(NULL); // create a converter object hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ltmmConvert, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IltmmConvert, (void**) &pConvert); // set up the converter: IltmmConvert_put_TargetFormat(pConvert, ltmmConvert_TargetFormat_DVD); IltmmConvert_get_VideoCompressors(pConvert, &pCompressors); hr = IltmmCompressors_Find(pCompressors, L"@device:sw:{33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\\LEAD MPEG2 Encoder (2.0)", &lIndex); hr = IltmmCompressors_put_Selection(pCompressors, lIndex); IltmmCompressors_Release(pCompressors); IltmmConvert_get_AudioCompressors(pConvert, &pCompressors); hr = IltmmCompressors_Find(pCompressors, L"@device:sw:{33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\\LEAD MPEG Audio Encoder (2.0)", &lIndex); hr = IltmmCompressors_put_Selection(pCompressors, lIndex); IltmmCompressors_Release(pCompressors); // 1- Create a DVD image with 1 title that contains 1 chapter: szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("DaDa_CMP.avi"))); // Source video IltmmConvert_put_SourceFile(pConvert, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(""))); // Destination image folder IltmmConvert_put_TargetFile(pConvert, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); // Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // Done IltmmConvert_ResetTarget(pConvert); IltmmConvert_ResetSource(pConvert); // 2- Create a DVD image with 1 title that contains 2 chapters: szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("DaDa_CMP.avi"))); // Source video IltmmConvert_put_SourceFile(pConvert, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(""))); // Destination image folder IltmmConvert_put_TargetFile(pConvert, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); // Retrieve the DVD Writer interface IltmmConvert_GetSubObject(pConvert, ltmmConvert_Object_Sink, &pDvdWriter); IUnknown_QueryInterface(pDvdWriter, &IID_ILTDvdWriter, (void**)&pIDvdWriter); // Set the DVD temporary files folder szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(""))); // Destination image folder ILTDvdWriter_put_TempPath(pIDvdWriter, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); // Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE. // This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion ILTDvdWriter_put_TitleBreak(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_FALSE); // write the first chapter IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); // Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // You can change the source file before this step. // This demonstration code uses the same file for all chapters. // Create chapter 2. IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // Close the title ILTDvdWriter_put_TitleBreak(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_TRUE); // Done IUnknown_Release(pDvdWriter); pDvdWriter = NULL; ILTDvdWriter_Release(pIDvdWriter); pIDvdWriter = NULL; IltmmConvert_ResetTarget(pConvert); IltmmConvert_ResetSource(pConvert); // 3- Create a DVD image with 2 titles, each containing 2 chapters: szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("DaDa_CMP.avi"))); // Source video IltmmConvert_put_SourceFile(pConvert, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); szFileName = SysAllocString(T2OLE(MAKE_MEDIA_PATH(""))); // Destination image folder IltmmConvert_put_TargetFile(pConvert, szFileName); SysFreeString(szFileName); // Retrieve the DVD Writer interface IltmmConvert_GetSubObject(pConvert, ltmmConvert_Object_Sink, &pDvdWriter); IUnknown_QueryInterface(pDvdWriter, &IID_ILTDvdWriter, (void**)&pIDvdWriter); // Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE. // This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion ILTDvdWriter_put_TitleBreak(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_FALSE); // Write the first chapter in the first title IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); // Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // Write the second chapter in the first title // You can change the source file before this step, this demonstration code uses the same file for all chapters. IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // Prepare for the second title // Set the TitleBreak property to TRUE, so the the current title can be flushed ILTDvdWriter_put_TitleBreak(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_TRUE); // Set the TitleBreak property to FALSE. // This will prevent the title from being written immediately after the conversion ILTDvdWriter_put_TitleBreak(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_FALSE); // Disable Overwrite so the title will be appended to an existing dvd image ILTDvdWriter_put_Overwrite(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_FALSE); // Write the first chapter in the second title IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); // Wait for the conversion to finish. You can use a window to receive notifications WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // Write the second chapter in the second title IltmmConvert_StartConvert(pConvert); WaitForCompletion(pConvert); // Close the second title ILTDvdWriter_put_TitleBreak(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_TRUE); // restore the overwrite property ILTDvdWriter_put_Overwrite(pIDvdWriter, VARIANT_TRUE); // Done IUnknown_Release(pDvdWriter); pDvdWriter = NULL; ILTDvdWriter_Release(pIDvdWriter); pIDvdWriter = NULL; IltmmConvert_ResetTarget(pConvert); IltmmConvert_ResetSource(pConvert); IltmmConvert_Release(pConvert); CoUninitialize(); } int main() { CreateDVDImageExample ( ) ; return 0; }