This function displays the currently associated WM Profile for the specified capture object.
LPTSTR OLE2T(LPCOLESTR lpw) { static TCHAR lpt[512]; if(!lpw) return NULL; lpt[0] = _T('\0'); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, lpt, 512, NULL, NULL); return lpt; } void IltmmCapture_get_WMProfile_Example (IltmmCapture *pCapture) { IltmmWMProfile *pCurrentProfile = NULL; BSTR bstrStringName; HRESULT hr; hr = IltmmCapture_get_WMProfile(pCapture, &pCurrentProfile); if(FAILED(hr)) { return; } if(pCurrentProfile) { hr = IltmmWMProfile_get_Name(pCurrentProfile, &bstrStringName); if(FAILED(hr)) { IltmmWMProfile_Release(pCurrentProfile); return; } MessageBox(NULL, OLE2T(bstrStringName), "Profile selected", MB_ICONINFORMATION); IltmmWMProfile_Release(pCurrentProfile); } else { MessageBox(NULL, "There is no profile currently selected", "Profile selected", MB_ICONINFORMATION); } }