void GetConvertSourceVideoFormat(IltmmConvert *pConvert) { CString strVideoFOURCC; long lVideoFOURCC; char szVideoFOURCC[5]; // get the source video format HRESULT hr = pConvert->get_SourceVideoFOURCC(&lVideoFOURCC); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // bit shift out the characters for string representation szVideoFOURCC[0] = (lVideoFOURCC & 0xff); szVideoFOURCC[1] = (lVideoFOURCC & 0xff00) >> 8; szVideoFOURCC[2] = (lVideoFOURCC & 0xff0000) >> 16; szVideoFOURCC[3] = (lVideoFOURCC & 0xff000000) >> 24; szVideoFOURCC[4] = '\0'; // format the display string and show it strVideoFOURCC.Format(TEXT("Video FOURCC is %s"), szVideoFOURCC); MessageBox(NULL, strVideoFOURCC, TEXT("Source Video Format"), MB_OK); } }