ltmmPlayCtrl.CurrentPosition Property

Visual Basic example


object.CurrentPosition As Double


Gets or sets the current position, relative to the total duration of the media, in seconds.

This property is the current position that playback has reached. The value ignores the playback rate and start time. For example, if you set the rate to 2.0 and the start time to five seconds, playing the media for four seconds yields a current position of 9.0 seconds (5 + 4 × 2.0).

Users should call CheckSeekingCapabilities to determine if ltmmPlay_Seeking_Backward and ltmmPlay_Seeking_Forward are enabled before setting this property. For more information on the ltmmPlay_Seeking constants, refer to ltmmPlay_Seeking Constants.

If the media is paused or stopped, the current position is the point at which playback will resume.


Win32, x64, Mobile

See Also


ltmmPlayCtrl.CurrentFramePosition Property, ltmmPlayCtrl.CurrentTrackingPosition Property


Multimedia Properties, Methods and Events