Converting With ltmmConvertCtrl ForceNoRecompressionPreview Example for Visual Basic

The following code demonstrates how to convert without recompression and force the preview to be active:

' Having an ltmmConvert object, ltmmConvertCtrl1:

Private Sub Form_Load()

    ' assign the input file

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.sourcefile = "c:\source.avi"

    ' assign the output file

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.TargetFile = "c:\target.avi"


    ' set the video no recompression

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors.selection = -1

    ' set the audio no recompression

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors.selection = -1


    ' set the output format to ISO (MP4)

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.targetFormat = ltmmConvert_TargetFormat_ISO


    On Error GoTo StartConvertError

    ' Assign the preview window handle to the Convert Ctrl property VideoWindowFrame

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoWindowFrame = PreviewWnd.hWnd


    ' Set Preview Property to True

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.Preview = True


    ' Set ForceNoRecompressionPreview to True, this will Force the Preview to be active even when converting without recompression

    ltmmConvertCtrl1.ForceNoRecompressionPreview = True


    ' now the convert object is ready to Preview the conversion process

    ' the user can display or hide preview during conversion

    ' this is done using the ltmmConvertCtrl1.PreviewVisible

    ' start the conversion



    Exit Sub


    Dim txtStatus As String

    txtStatus = Err.Description & "... Error " & CStr(Err.Number)

    MsgBox txtStatus

End Sub