How to play a UDP MPEG2 Stream with DVR Buffering


The following VB subroutine demonstrates how to use the ltmmPlayCtrl object to play a UDP MPEG2 source stream with modified DVR buffer settings.


Private Sub PlayUDPSourceWithDVRBuffer()

   Dim ltmmPlayCtrl1 As LTMMPlayCtrl
   Set ltmmPlayCtrl1 = MainForm.ltmmPlayCtrl
   On Error GoTo HandleError
   '' Open the UDP Stream, but dont auto start
   ltmmPlayCtrl1.AutoStart = False
   ltmmPlayCtrl1.SourceFile = "udp://"
   Dim DVRSink As LMDVRSinkLib.LMDVRSink
   Set DVRSink = ltmmPlayCtrl1.GetSubObject(ltmmPlay_Object.ltmmPlay_Object_SourceFilter)
   '' Tell the DVR Sink that settings are about to change
   '' Set only one DVR buffer folder
   DVRSink.FolderCount = 1
   '' Set the buffer base file name to 'Capture.LBL'
   DVRSink.BaseName = "Capture.LBL"
   '' Set the buffer folder location to 'C:\Temp'
   DVRSink.FolderName(0) = "C:\Temp"
   '' Set the buffer folder to have 5 buffer data files, each at 100MB max size
   Call DVRSink.SetBufferSize(0, 5, 102400000)
   '' Commit the changed settings now

   '' Run the stream    
   Exit Sub

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description + " Error code = " + str(Err.Number) + "."

End Sub