ltmmDVDControl.GetDVDTextNumberOfStrings Method

Visual Basic Example


object.GetDVDTextNumberOfStrings(Index As Long) As Long


Retrieves the number of strings for the specified language block.

Prior to calling this method, determine the total number of language blocks available. This value is found in the ltmmDVDControl.DVDTextNumberOfLanguages Property. Based on the value in the ltmmDVDControl.DVDTextNumberOfLanguages property, pass an appropriate index value for the Index parameter of this method, to retrieve the number of strings for the desired language block. For example, if the ltmmDVDControl.DVDTextNumberOfLanguages property contains the value 4, then possible values for the Index parameter of this method is 0 © 3.

For more detailed information, refer to the Microsoft documentation for IDvdInfo2::GetDVDTextLanguageInfo.


Win32, x64

See Also


ltmmDVDControl object, ltmmDVDControl.GetDVDTextLanguageLCID Method, ltmmDVDControl.DVDTextNumberOfLanguages Property, ltmmDVDControl.GetDVDTextString Method, ltmmDVDControl.GetDVDTextStringType Method


Multimedia Properties, Methods and Events