LEAD Text Overlay XML File Format


The text overlay XML file is a normal XML file following the XML specifications. However, this format defines a set of tags for use in this filter. Any other tags will be ignored. Tag names are case sensitive; for example: use TOverlay and not Toverlay or toverlay. The file must contain a signature comment before any of the text tags; the signature comment must be: <!--LEAD TextOverlay XML File-->.

Valid tags:

image\sqrblit.jpg The root tag is "TOverlay". This is the main tag. All other tags must be children to this tag. This tag has an attribute named "Text_Scrolling" that can take either "Yes" or "No". This tag can appear only once in the file. For the same file you can have only a scrolling text or a non-scrolling text.

image\sqrblit.jpg The text tag is "Text". It is a child tag of the "TOverlay" tag. This is the major tag that will introduce the overlay text. This tag hosts the following tags: Text_Line, Start_Frame, End_Frame, Scrolling_Speed.

image\sqrblit.jpg The text line tag is "Text_Line". This is a child tag of the "Text" tag. Use it to set one or more of your overlay text strings. To enter a new line in the text, you can use the ‘\n’ sequence.

image\sqrblit.jpg The start frame tag is "Start_Frame". This is also a child tag of the "Text" tag. Use this to specify the frame in the stream at which the overlay text in the Text_Line tag will first appear.

image\sqrblit.jpg The end frame tag is "End_Frame". This is also a child tag of the "Text" tag. Use this to specify the frame in the stream at which the overlay text in the Text_Line tag will disappear.

image\sqrblit.jpg The scrolling speed tag is "Scrolling_Speed". This is also a child tag of the "Text" tag. Use this to specify the speed at which the overlay text in the Text_Line tag will scroll. This tag can be used only if the text is specified as scrolling in the TOverlay root tag.

Example 1, no scrolling:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!--LEAD TextOverlay XML File-->

<TOverlay Text_Scrolling = "No">


LEAD Technologies, Inc.\nAudio/Video capture, playback and editing using Microsoft DirectX and DirectShow® technologies.






<Text_Line>Includes fully functional video\ncapture and teleconference demos. </Text_Line>






<Text_Line>Support for AVI, MPEG, WAV, MIDI, SND, AIF files and much more.</Text_Line>






<Text_Line>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</Text_Line>






Example 2, scrolling:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!--LEAD TextOverlay XML File-->

<TOverlay Text_Scrolling = "Yes">


<Text_Line>LEAD Technologies, Inc.\nAudio/Video capture, playback and editing using Microsoft DirectX and DirectShow technologies.</Text_Line>





<Text_Line>Includes fully functional video\ncapture and teleconference demos. </Text_Line>





<Text_Line>Support for AVI, MPEG, WAV, MIDI, SND, AIF files and much more.</Text_Line>





<Text_Line>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</Text_Line>



