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LEADTOOLS Barcode C++ Class Library Help


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typedef struct _tagBarCodeColor
   L_UINT uStructSize;
   DWORD dwColorBar;
   DWORD dwColorSpace;

This structure contains colors information for reading or writing barcodes




Size of the BARCODECOLOR structure, in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate the value.


Specifies the bar color for barcode. This is used as the color of the bars for writing. And if reading, this is used as the color of the bars when searching for the barcode in the image. The default is the color black - RGB(0, 0, 0).


Specifies the space color for barcode. This is used as the color of the spaces for writing. If reading, this is used as the color of the spaces when searching for the barcode in the image. The default is the color white - RGB(255,255,255).


The dwColorBar and dwColorSpace member are COLORREF type and they constructed by using the RGB macro.

This structure is used with LBarCode::Read, LBarCode::Write functions for all barcode types.

The LBarCode::Read, LBarCode::Write functions will ignore these values when the bitmap is 1BPP. For 16 or 32 BPP images, this is the actual value of the pixel as found in the image and not a COLORREF.

pBARCODECOLOR is a pointer to an BARCODECOLOR structure. Where the function parameter type is pBARCODECOLOR, you can declare a BARCODECOLOR variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pBARCODECOLOR variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.

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