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LEADTOOLS Common Dialog C DLL Help


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typedef struct _DLGHISTORYLIST
   L_UINT uStructSize ;
   L_TCHAR * * ppszEntry ;
   L_INT nEntryCount ;
   L_INT nEntryLength ;
   L_INT nValidEntryCount ;

The DLGHISTORYLIST structure provides information used to maintain history combos in the HTML map creator dialog created by the L_DlgHTMLMapper function. After the user closes the dialog box, this structure is updated with information about the user's selections.




Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.


Pointer to pointer presenting an array of strings, this array should be allocated, freed, and maintained by caller.


When a dialog (using history combos feature) is called, any data passed in will be displayed in corresponding combo box. When the dialog is closed this array will contain the entries supplied by the user of the dialog.


The nValidEntryCount determines number of valid entries in the array, for example if this member was 4, the first 4 entries in the array is valid (either for reading or writing).


This member will be updated with the information entered by the user through the dialog. Set this member, before calling the function, to initialize the dialog.


Number of allocated strings in the ppszEntry 2d array. That is the size of the *ppszEntry vector. This entry should be greater than or equal to nValidEntryCount (valid entries should be allocated) Set this member to initialize the dialog.


Size of each string member of the ppszEntry 2d array. All strings have the same size. Set this member, before calling the function, to initialize the dialog.


The valid entries to read or write. That is, at the time the dialog function is called ([in]), this member determines the valid strings that should be inserted into the history combo. When the dialog function returns ([out]), this member indicates the number of saved strings in the history combo. nValidEntryCount should always be less than or equal to nEntryCount. This member will be updated with the information entered by the user through the dialog. Set this member, before calling the function, to initialize the dialog.

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