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LEADTOOLS Common Dialog C++ Class Library Help


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   L_UINT uStructSize ; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap ;
   HICON hWindowIcon ;
   HGLOBAL hDevMode ;
   HGLOBAL hDevNames ;
   RECT rcMargins ; 
   RECT rcMinMargins ; 
   L_INT nCmdShow ;
   LTCOMMDLGHELPCB pfnHelpCallback ; 
   L_VOID  *pHelpCallBackUserData ;

The PRINTSTITCHEDIMAGESDLGPARAMS structure provides information used to initialize the dialog box created by the LDialogFile::DoModalPrintStitchedImages function. After the user closes the dialog box, this structure is updated with information about the user's selections.




Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.


Handle to the icon to use for the print window©s system menu. Pass NULL to use the default icon.




Handle to a movable global memory object that contains a DEVMODE Microsoft Windows structure. For more information please refer to Microsoft©s SDK documentation.


If hDevMode is not NULL on input, you must allocate a movable block of memory for the DEVMODE structure and initialize its members.


If hDevMode is NULL on input, the dialog may allocate memory for the DEVMODE structure, initialize its members to indicate the user's input, and return a handle that identifies it. In this case you should free the handle using GlobalFree() when the dialog is closed.


This handle is used to set or preserve printing settings. Set this member to NULL to use the default printer settings.


Handle to a movable global memory object that contains a DEVNAMES Microsoft Windows structure. For more information please refer to Microsoft©s SDK documentation.


If hDevNames is not NULL on input, you must allocate a movable block of memory for the DEVNAMES structure and initialize its members.


If hDevNames is NULL on input, the dialog may allocate memory for the DEVNAMES structure, initialize its members to indicate the user's input, and return a handle that identifies it. In this case you should free the handle using GlobalFree() when the dialog is closed.


This structure contains three strings that specify the driver name, the printer name, and the output port name, which are used to set or preserve printer settings. Set this member to NULL to use the default printer settings.


Specifies the widths of the left, top, right, and bottom margins, in thousandths of an inch. For more information on the margins, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation © Windows User Interface © PAGESETUPDLG.


Specifies the minimum allowable widths for the left, top, right, and bottom margins, in thousandths of an inch. These values must be less than or equal to the values specified in the rcMargins member. For more information on the margins, refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation © Windows User Interface © PAGESETUPDLG.


Flag that indicates the display state of the preview window. This is the same flag passed to the ShowWindow windows API function. Please refer to the Microsoft SDK documentation © Windows User Interface © ShowWindow for more information. Please note that the SW_HIDE flag is ignored.





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