
ConvertToPixels Method

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A value to be converted. This is in sourceUnit units.
The Source unit.
The DPI (dots per inch) to use. This value must be greater than 0; otherwise, the default value of 96 will be used.
Converts a value to pixels.
public static double ConvertToPixels( 
   double value,
   AnnUnit sourceUnit,
   double dpi
Public Shared Function ConvertToPixels( _
   ByVal value As Double, _
   ByVal sourceUnit As AnnUnit, _
   ByVal dpi As Double _
) As Double
public static double ConvertToPixels( 
   double value,
   AnnUnit sourceUnit,
   double dpi

public static double convertToPixels(
   double value,
   AnnUnit sourceUnit,
   double dpi
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnUnitConverter.ConvertToPixels( 
   value ,
   sourceUnit ,


A value to be converted. This is in sourceUnit units.
The Source unit.
The DPI (dots per inch) to use. This value must be greater than 0; otherwise, the default value of 96 will be used.

Return Value

The value of value in pixels.

Use this method to convert a value from any unit to pixels. For pixels conversions, a DPI (dots per inch) value is required.


Target Platforms

See Also


AnnUnitConverter Class
AnnUnitConverter Members



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