
AutomationPointerDown Event

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Represents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is down (clicked) on the surface of the control. AnnPointerEventArgs
event EventHandler<AnnPointerEventArgs> AutomationPointerDown
Event AutomationPointerDown As EventHandler(Of AnnPointerEventArgs)
event EventHandler<AnnPointerEventArgs> AutomationPointerDown


add_AutomationPointerDown(function(sender, e))
remove_AutomationPointerDown(function(sender, e))

Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type AnnPointerEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following AnnPointerEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Button Gets the mouse button that was pressed.
Location Gets the location of the mouse.

Target Platforms

See Also


IAnnAutomationControl Interface
IAnnAutomationControl Members



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