LEADTOOLS Annotations (Leadtools.Annotations assembly)

AutomationImageChanged Event

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An event that triggers whenever the properties of the image being automated is changed.
event EventHandler AutomationImageChanged
Event AutomationImageChanged As EventHandler
Dim instance As IAnnAutomationControl
Dim handler As EventHandler
AddHandler instance.AutomationImageChanged, handler


event EventHandler^ AutomationImageChanged

If you are using a Leadtools.RasterImage object, then you trigger this event whenever the RasterImage.Changed event occures. Note that this event should occur when the image physical properties has changed, for example, its width/height or resolution or when a new image is set in your control (if supported) and not when the pixel data of the image has changed which only requires a re-paint. For these changes, use the IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationPaint event. If your requirement does not have an image that will be changed while being automated, then you do not have to trigger this event. When this event triggers, the automation object will query the IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationImageWidth, IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationImageHeightIAnnAutomationControl.AutomationImageDpiX and IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationImageDpiY properties to recalculate the size of the container.

For an example, refer to IAnnAutomationControl.

Target Platforms

See Also


IAnnAutomationControl Interface
IAnnAutomationControl Members



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