
Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Namespace

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Inheritance Hierarchy
Contains classes for rendering annotation objects.
AnnAndroidRenderingEngine Represents the annotation rendering engine implementation for the Android platform.
AnnCrossProductObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the cross product annotation objects.
AnnCurveObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the curve annotation objects.
AnnEllipseObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the ellipse annotation objects.
AnnEllipseThumbStyle Provides an Ellipse thumb style.
AnnEncryptObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the cross product annotation objects.
AnnFreehandHotspotObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the free hand hotspot annotation objects.
AnnHiliteObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the hilite annotation objects.
AnnHotspotObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for hotspot annotation objects.
AnnLabelRenderer Represents a renderer for text labels in this platform.
AnnMediaObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the cross product annotation objects.
AnnNoteObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the note annotation object.
AnnObjectRenderer Base class for all object renderers.
AnnObjectVisual Describes the visual and editing parts of an object.
AnnPointerObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the pointer annotation object.
AnnPointObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the point annotation object.
AnnPolylineObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the polyline line annotation objects.
AnnPolyRulerObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the poly ruler annotation objects.
AnnProtractorObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the protractor annotation objects.
AnnRectangleObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for rectangular annotation objects.
AnnRectangleThumbStyle Rectangle thumb style.
AnnRubberStampObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the rubber stamp annotation object.
AnnStampObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the stamp annotation object.
AnnTextObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the text annotation object.
AnnTextPointerObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the text pointer annotation object.
AnnTextRollupObjectRenderer Represents a renderer for the text rollup annotation object.
AnnThumbStyle Base class for all thumb styles.
AnnUniversalRenderingEngine Represents the annotation rendering engine implementation for IOS and OS X platforms.
AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine Represents the annotation rendering engine implementation for the Windows Forms platform.
AnnWinRTRenderingEngine Represents the annotation rendering engine implementation for the Windows Runtime (WinRT) platform.
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Assembly



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