
InteractiveService Class Members

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by InteractiveService.

Public Constructors
InteractiveService ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
basicGestureGets basic gesture recognizer.  
delegateGets or sets the delegate to listen to InteractiveService events.  
doubleTapGestureGets double Tap gesture recognizer.  
DragStartsOnDownGets or sets a value that indicates whether DragStarted events should fire on mouse or touch down.  
execludedSubviewGets an array of UIViews excluded from target subviews.  
holdGestureGets Hold gesture recognizer.  
IsListeningGets a value that indicates whether the service is currently listening to events.  
OwnerGets the owner of the service.  
panGestureGets Pan gesture recognizer.  
pinchGestureGets Pinch gesture recognizer.  
rotateGestureGet rotate gestures recognizer.  
tapGestureGets Tap gesture recognizer.  
TargetElementGets or sets the target canvas.  
UserElementsGets the user views.  
Public Methods
DisposeDestroys this InteractiveService and releases all the resources.  
OnSizeChangedInforms the service that the size of the target or events elements have changed.  
onTouchEventAccepts MotionEvent data and dispatches the event to the internal detectors.  
PinchGuestureListenerOccurs when a pinch gesture is detected.  
SimplegestureListenerOccurs on the simple gestures like down, move, up, single tap and double tap.  
StartListeningStarts listening to the TargetElement events.  
StopListeningStops listening to the TargetElement events.  
Protected Methods
CreateControlCreates the interactive service.  
createControlCreates the interactive service.  
OnDoubleTapRaises the DoubleTap event.  
onDownOccurs when the user performs the down MotionEvent, this method fires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onDown event.  
OnDragCompletedRaises the DragCompleted event.  
OnDragDeltaRaises the DragDelta event.  
OnDragStartedRaises the DragStarted event.  
onFlingOccurs when the user performs a down MotionEvent and a matching up MotionEvent, this method fires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onFling event.  
OnHoldRaises the Hold event.  
onLongPressOccurs when the user perform a long press on the target view, this method fires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onLongPress event.  
onMoveFires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onMove event.  
onPinchCompletedFires the InteractiveOnPinchGestureListener.onPinchCompleted.  
onPinchStartedFires the InteractiveOnPinchGestureListener.onPinchStarted.  
onPinchWorkingFires the InteractiveOnPinchGestureListener.onPinchWorking.  
OnRightTapRaises the RightTap event.  
onShowPressOccurs when the user performs a down MotionEvent and not performing a move or up yet, this method fires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onShowPress event.  
onSingleTapFires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onSingleTap event.  
onSingleTapUpOccurs when the user performs a tap with the up MotionEvent, this method fires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onSingleTapUp event.  
OnTapRaises the Tap event.  
onUpFires the InteractiveSimpleOnGestureListener.onUp event.  
Public Events
DoubleTapOccurs when the user double taps with the mouse or a finger.  
DragCompletedOccurs when the user completes a drag operation.  
DragDeltaOccurs when the user moves the mouse or finger while dragging.  
DragStartedOccurs when the user starts a drag operation.  
HoldOccurs when the user taps and holds with the mouse or a finger.  
interactiveServiceHighLevelEventsRepresents high level events for interactive service that could be listen to using Notification Center  
interactiveServicelowLevelEventslow level events for interactive service that could be listen to using Notification Center  
interactiveServiceOSXEventslow level events for interactive service that could be listen to using Notification Center  
RightTapOccurs when the user performs a right tap operation with either the mouse or a finger.  
TapOccurs when the user performs a tap operation with either the mouse or a finger.  
See Also


InteractiveService Class
Leadtools.Controls Namespace



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