LEADTOOLS Color Conversion (Leadtools.ColorConversion assembly)

ConversionYuvParameters Structure Members

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Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ConversionYuvParameters.

Public Fields
PlanarUvyPlanes order, U, V, Y.  
PlanarUyvPlanes order, U, Y, V.  
PlanarVuyPlanes order, V, U, Y.  
PlanarVyuPlanes order, V, Y, U.  
PlanarYuvPlanes order, Y, U, V.  
PlanarYvuPlanes order, Y, V, U.  
Public Properties
EmptyGets an new empty structure.  
MacroPixelGets or sets the Macropixel size, which is the number of pixels in the unit pixels group.  
MaskGets or sets the YUV conversion masking value.  
OffsetsGets or sets the offsets of the byte ordering for the proposed YUV format.  
PlanarGets or sets a value indicating whether the buffer consists of the Y plane, V plane and U plane.  
RangeGets or sets a value indicating the range of values in the input buffer.  
UHGets or sets the horizontal subsampling period of U.  
UVGets or sets the vertical subsampling period of U.  
VHGets or sets the horizontal subsampling period of V.  
VVGets or sets the vertical subsampling period of V.  
Public Methods
ToStringOverridden. Returns a meaningful name for this method.  
See Also


ConversionYuvParameters Structure
Leadtools.ColorConversion Namespace
Generic YUV Conversion
RasterColorConverterEngine Class
ConversionWhitePoint Structure
ConversionCmykParameters Structure
ConversionLabParameters Structure
ConversionParameters Class



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